BLEACH Rebirth of Souls: Fixes for Performance Issues and Crashes

Welcome to the guide for resolving performance issues and crashes in BLEACH Rebirth of Souls. This guide aims to provide practical solutions to common problems such as low framerates, crashes, and sound issues. If you are experiencing any of these problems, please follow the steps outlined below to improve your gaming experience.


Simple fixes

For performance issues and crashing problems, try the following

1. Run in compatibility mode for windows 7

Open up the game files on your computer. This is done by clicking the gear wheel on the game page, hovering over the “Manage” option and then clicking “Browse local files” in the popup that appears.

This should open a folder in file explorer that looks like this:

Once here, scroll down until you find “BLEACH_Rebirth_of_Souls.exe” and click it ONCE to highlight it and then right click to open an options menu. Click on properties (or press alt + enter) to open a new window.

Click the “Compatibility” tab at the top, you should see the following:

Click “Run this program in compatibility mode for:” for a dropdown menu, once here, click the option for Windows 7.

Also check off the “Run this program as administrator” option. Your compatibility window should look like this.

Once done, click “Apply” and close the window.

This is what helped me and my friends fix most performance issues, if anyone else has fixes, please leave them below and I will update this guide further.

No sound after the logos on launch?

Follow the steps in the previous section to find your games files and scroll down to locate the executable file for the game found in this folder:

Left click the executable file ONCE and right click it to bring up an options menu, once here, click on “Run this program as an administrator” and the problem should be fixed.

NOTE: Ticking the checkbox “Run this program as an administrator” in the games properties will NOT fix sound issues everytime, to guarantee success, please follow the above steps when launching the game.

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