Pathless Woods: How to Transfer Your Host or World Save

Need to rehost World File?
Need to set up a dedicated server elsewhere?
Here’s the solution since no one shared it yet and some were asking.


Save File Location

You can find the save files here
Disk Drive:\Users\(Your Username)\Documents\AniYa Games\Pathless Woods\Saves

Solution (To be verified)

Here’s a explaination from what I can deduce

Character Save Folder Name has 17 Characters
World Save Folder Name has 18 Characters

Another cue is that:
Character Save Folder has steam_autocloud.vdf
World Save Folder has savedata.db and saveinfo.sav

So transfer the 18 Character Folder with savedata.db and saveinfo.sav over into your Saves Folder
Disk Drive:\Users\(Your Username)\Documents\AniYa Games\Pathless Woods\Saves

You can automatically Host the server via Load Save File via “In-Game”
or You can Host Dedicated Server via “PathlessWoodsServer.exe” that is in “Steam\steamapps\common\Pathless Woods\Server”

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