Atan: 100% Achievement Guide

A comprehensive guide to all of the achievements in Atan



This achievement is simple, all you have to do is beat the 3 levels of the game.


This achievement can first be obtained in the start of the second chapter
In this achievement, you have to be falling and then shoot a rope arrow onto an anchorable surface (The wooden beams sticking out with rope around the beam and a ring at the end of the beam)

First, you have to first acquire the bow. After acquiring the bow, you have to destroy the hives and go to the outside.
After getting outside, you’ll be put into an forced cutscene. After the cutscene, you’ll notice the beam I mentioned in the beginning
You then have to go to the beam. You have to jump between the gap, while falling you have to shoot the beam with the rope arrow to get the achievement


If you cannot get the achievement to pop, you can go to another beam and do the same. There is one further into the level where it can be done as well


]In order to get this achievement, you have to shoot a Goober with your bow. The first time this is achievement is obtainable is in the second level, “Olis”
First, you have to obtain the bow. After you obtain the bow, you have to shoot the hives infront of you and proceed with the level.

After you get outside, you will be forced into a cutscene. After the cutscene, you will have to cross the divide.

After crossing the gap, you should come across these climbable rocks. Make sure to shoot the hives so you can travel across the rocks

While climbing, you should see the ledge next to the gear. You have to get to that ledge

Once you get to that ledge, you have to across beyond the gear

After crossing the gear, you should see a Goober. Right click and release on the Goober to shoot it. The achievement should pop after that.

Rock Rotators

Rock Rotators is an achievement where you have to find a hidden room in the second chapter, “Olis”
To start the achievement, you’re going to need the collect the bow. After getting the bow, you have to destroy the hives infront of you. After destroying them, climb onto the rocks
After you are on the rocks, climb up to the gaps in the ceiling
While grappled onto the wall, you have to jump onto the roof
When on the ceiling, you will see a spinning wheel. One of the sides of wheel should have a climbable rock wall
You have to climb onto that rock wall and let it spin until you can fall on the rocks that are above spawn

When you fall down, you have to walk forward a little bit until you see a gap in the rocks
Walk into the rocks and you’ll get the achievement

Dinner is ready!

In order to get this achievement, you have to complete the level, “Olis,” in 7 minutes.
The achievement is pretty simple. The only tip I can really gives is to constantly hop on the climbable rocks when possible. Following the path defined by the developers to complete the level regularly should be doable for the average player. The only other tip is to not spend time shooting hives on paths you dont plan on taking and to not mess up lol. There’s not much else to it. If you struggle getting this achievement, get the extra anchors from collecting all the Goobers from the first two levels. The extra anchors should allow you to hop more and therefore go faster. Looking up speedruns could also help.


This achievement requires you to get all 3 Goobers in the Mijin chapterWhen you first spawn in, follow the Goober

Then, you want to climb up the climbable rocks

Keep climbing until you reach the horizontal climbing
Then, you should climb up these rocks after the horizontal section prior
After those vertical rocks, you should get to this platform. You want to get that platform in the distance

After getting to the platform, climb up the rocks on the platform
Climbing up that rock should be your first Goober
When you get your first Goober, turning immediately left should be climbable rocks, you have to go down those rocks

Climbing down it should present the second Goober

You can go back up those rocks. Go to the area where you got your first Goober and continue on the path of climbing rocks

When getting to this point, you have to jump up and climb those rocks

Follow those rocks to the waterfall

Swinging through should yield the final Goober


This achievement requires you to collect all 8 Goobers in the level, “Olis”
First, you’ll need the bow.
Then, you have to shoot the hives infront of you and and make it outside. After making it outside, you’ll be forced into a cutscene. After the cutscene, you’ll have to cross the gap. [/screenshot]
You’ll then have be met by these rocks. Take the time to shoot all of the hives visible so travel is easier. You’ll want to climb the left set of rocks and follow the path

You’ll want to get up to here
After getting to that point, you should see a cave area to find your first of eight

After that, go to edge near the rotating cog.

To the right should be climbable rocks. Going down the rocks you should be able to see an anchorable beam

Swinging on that beam should yield your second Goober

Go back up to the ledge near the cog. Then, you want to cross the cog, this should yield your third Goober

Then, you want to ride up the wheel onto the horizontal cog

In the middle of the cog, there should be an exposed end, entering the exposed end should yield your fourth Goober
Then continue on with the puzzle by shooting the bullseye. Climb up the other side of the exposed end. Then you should climb the rocks
Continue the path until you see the next cog with climbable walls
You’ll want to hold on to the walls
Then, you should be able to acquire your fifth Goober

You’ll then want to continue the path of the game until you are met with the cog

When on the other side, you have to shoot the bullseye in order to get your sixth Goober

Then continue on the journey until until you get to this rock

You want to destroy the hive. Then, you’ll want to ride the cog passing that rock

Then, you should be able to get you sixth Goober

Near the Goober should be a bullseye to ride back to the climbable rocks. After getting to the ledge with a path being blocked by the cog, You should be able to see these rocks. You’ll want to climb them
Climbing to that ledge in the distance should yield your seventh Goober
You’ll then want to continue pass the cog that blocked the path until you get here. There’s a slight gap on the right side near the rectangle of climbable rock on the cog. There should be anchorable beam that you can shoot with the rope arrow. You’ll want to swing to that rectangle.

Once you get to this point, you should be able to swing through the gap

This should get you your eighth and final Goober of the chapter, “Olis.”


This achievement requires you to collect all three Goobers in the level, “Chahuk.”
When you first spawn in, you’ll want to follow the path the game has laid out for you

When you get up to that ledge infront of you, instead of use the anchorable beam infront of you, looking left you should see a different anchorable beam. Swinging onto that beam should yield your first Goober

You should be able to climb up these rocks to get back on track to the game’s path

You should end up here

Once you get there, you’ll want to follow the electrical path to the left. Then, when seeing this moving pillar, stand on top of it.

When you get on top of the ledge it leads to, you’ll get your second Goober

Then, you’ll want to continue the path the game directs you towards until you get here. Swing on the anchorable beam

You’ll end up here

There will be a swinging object with a climbable edge. You’ll want to get on it and get to the other side. Once on that side, there will be a cog you can ride on

On that cog, there will be a the swinging thing you climbed on earlier. On the bottom end of it, you should be able to find the last Goober

Home sweet home

Once you complete Mijin, Olis, and Chahuk, then you should get this achievement automatically


I hope you were able to get the achievements you needed from this guide. If you have any questions, the comments should be open so I can respond to any questions you have. This is my first achievement guide so I apologize for any mishaps present.

Also, this guide should always be up to date because the devs stated in their discord they dont plan on adding any more content.

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