Supermarket Together: How to Dupe Brooms or Any Other Grabbable Item

This guide will help you to dupe the grabbable items, such as brooms.


How to dupe brooms: (Before You Begin You May Want to Do These Things)

Before You Begin: The easiest way of doing this for me personally is first setting my keybinds to is setting main action to mouse wheel scroll up and my drop item key to mouse wheel scroll down.


If you already know how to change controls then you can skip these steps. But for those of you who don’t know how let me explain. First thing you want to do is press your escape key and then click on options.

afterward press customize controls

then change your mouse keybinds to mouse scroll wheel up for main action

and then afterward setting your drop item key to mouse scroll wheel down

Alright after you have done that you can begin. (If you have tried duping boxes before then these steps are kind of unnecessary or if you don’t feel comfortable changing your key binds don’t but I found these to be the easiest for me to get it to work)

Step 1:

Step 1: grab any broom and start scrolling up and down with your mouse wheel or if you haven’t changed your key binds spamming left click and F. (IF YOU WANT TO MACRO JUST MAKE ONE THE F KEY AND THE OTHER ONE LEFT CLICK)

(If you have duped boxes before its pretty much the same process so again you can do that for the brooms too)

Step 2: GO WILD

Step 2: Once you have duped 1 you think your good enough most likely to dupe anything imaginable so GO WILD. DUPE ANYTHING, DUPE TABLETS, DUPE SCANNERS, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, DUPE BROOOMS. okay well let me relax for a second if you are having issues getting this to work it might be either patched by the dev or you are just not preforming it fast enough. (also if you are wondering why I didn’t mention boxes its because the dev already patched it for boxes)

For an example, one time i went this insane

if you can make that out those yellow particles are all brooms that are everywhere across the street

but if you can’t tell this is a little better of an example

have fun!!! but remember this most likely won’t last forever

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