I hope I have listed all the important things correctly ^.^
Just to be clear, this Guide can be outdated, because of the frequent game patches and hotfixes.
- Player slots: 1-16
- There is no manual save (you can find it at the end of the Guide)!
- I will try to update this Guide when I will have time OR patches will change the written stuff OR If I get Comments or Likes on it. 🙂
- I apologize for any grammatical or spelling mistakes. English is not my native language.
Main menu
- New Store – You can create your own Store here
- Load Store – You can load your savegames here
- Join Store – You can join other players stores here (Public, or coded)
- Options – I think it’s clear (Controls are here!)
- Right side – You can choose the game’s language
- Screenshots folder if default (steam): …\Programfiles (x86)\Steam\userdata\NUMBER\760\remote/2709570
- Save file is located in AppData – LocalLow – DDTNL folder
- Enter its name (others will see this name if its public);
- Set the visibility (Private, Only Friends, Public) – take care with Public settings, ppl are troll;
- Set difficulty from 0 to 7 (0 means less robbers so its ez to make money, 7 is like unplayable because every second customer will rob you);
- Click on create.

- Choose the savegame what you want to play again;
- Set its visibility;
- Click on Continue and Play.
- You can share the Store’s join code with your friends, simple press ESC and there is a button “Copy join code to clipboard” these are only numbers, just send it to your friends.
- You can join to every Public store here;
- You can use the Code window at top right side to paste the code what has been shared with you (next click on Join);
- You can refresh this window anytime if you click on the refresh button at bottom left;
- You can click on “Back” to leave “Join Store” menu.
Tutorial: Follow the steps at top right side on your screen
- Press TAB to use the Builder menu
- In Builder Menu you can buy/place importants (Product Shelf, Basic Fridge, Double Fridge, Freezer, Storage Shelf, Checkout (Right), Checkout (Left))
- In Builder Menu if you use the “Place Mode” with button E, you can move and rotate the already placed stuff like shelfs etc.
- Franchise Points: You have unlocked franchise points so you can select a line and start to unlock it via click on its icon. The first one is “Basic Products I” this will grant you to buy new products what you can sell to customers. Just always check this Franchise Board and use the points
- Manager Blackboard: You can buy products on market price via. “Product Order” button, also you can rename and recolor your Store via. “Supermarket” button
- Where are my products what i bought? – These are will be next to street at the barriers. You can pick them up via. Left click and store them to warehouse or place them to Product shelfs.
- How to place the products on Product Shelfs? – Take a box what contains products, go to a Product shelf, choose its place and use Left click. You can HOLD Left click to be faster. If you want to remove some products or empty a shelf just take an empty box and use the RIGHT click.
- Have some product in the box but you dont have more place? – Just put the box to a Storage Shelf in Warehouse.
- DO NOT open the Store yet, you must set the products price with a “Pricing device” you can find them in Manager Room. You can see how to use it at top right side (Look on a product with it and scroll with mouse, also you can hold E when you scrolling. If you selected the price just do a Left click on the product), also on every Thursday the market inflation will change, so check the prices sometimes.
- What should i do with empty boxes? – Just throw them to a container behind Manager Room, or cross the street and throw them to the other type on container and earn some money back by recycling them. The price by recycling can be increased with a perk.
- Tablet – Take it and scroll with mouse the select placables, use E button to place. If you want to remove a lamp, shelf (empty it first!!) etc. you can set it on X, look on the object and press E to remove.
- Checkout (Cash register) – Customers can pay via Credit Card or with Cash. If they pay with card, just type in the correct number in front of you (after a patch: now we can use numpad ♥), if they pay with cash use the cash register right/left side, set the correct number of change with Left or Right click on money.
- Broom – This is your best friend ever 😀 Take it with Left click and hit the customers to see if they wanna rob you. If you find products on floor you can broom them so get back their market price. Drop it with F button if you dont want to use.
- Employees Perk(s) – Best perk if you are lazy, or you have a bigger store. You can set them to use Cashiers, to do Restock products, or move the bought product boxes to Storage in Warehouse.
- How can I buy more space in Shop? How can I buy more space in Warehouse? – Left side from Franchise board you can see an other Board, there you can unlock more places with money (BLUE place: Warehouse; YELLOW place: Shop; I dont know yet what is the pink place on it).
- OPEN and CLOSE the Shop – In Manager Room you can Open the store by clicking on the Green button on the wall. The day will start from 08:00 and will end at 22:30 (patched: If reached 22:30 there will be no new customers in shop, you can finish the day and CLOSE the shop with the RED button on the wall). If you press the RED button after reached 22:30 in-game, it will show you the daily statistics and MAKE AN AUTOSAVE! You cannot save your game manually! You cannot use the RED button if 22:30 not reached yet.
- “Only cool people allowed” – Its not done yet, but I think there will be options to customize your character in future (for free OR in-game money OR micro-transactions – I am NOT sure.)
- How to save the game? I cant find the save button! – You cannot save the game manually. You must reach the end of the day (in-game ofc XD) and press the RED button on the wall to let the game to make a SAVE!
- My employees are bugged, what should I do? – Just do a game restart.