Supermarket Together: How to Delete the Save Files

Managing your game progress is crucial for a seamless gaming experience in Supermarket Together. Although the game currently lacks an in-game option to delete save files, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the manual process of removing unwanted saves, ensuring your game remains organized and efficient.

Image credits: ninjahitskids


Step-by-Step Guide:

Since Supermarket Together does not provide an in-game method for deleting save files, you’ll need to navigate to the game’s directory manually.

  • C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\LocalLow\DDTNL\Supermarket Together

This is where all your save files are stored, waiting for your command to be removed.

In that location, you’ll find StoreFile(#). StoreFile0 is your first save file that appears in game. It’s easiest to have the load save screen up to sort out which file you’d like to delete. Once you’re finished, you can go back to the main menu and reenter the load state to see the files have been deleted.

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Additional Tips:

  • Always back up your save files before deleting them to avoid any potential loss of progress.
  • Regularly review your save files to ensure you’re only keeping those that are necessary for your current playthrough.



Deleting save files in Supermarket Together may not be as straightforward as it could be, but with this guide, you’re now equipped with the knowledge to manage your game saves effectively.

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