Deadlock: Map Guide (Farming and Timing)

Welcome to the comprehensive guide for mastering the Deadlock map. This guide will provide you with crucial farming tips and timings to help you navigate through the game effectively.



You probably entered the game, didn’t understand anything and immediately left… But don’t worry! I’m here to make your gameplay a little easier.

The game has:
1. Early Game
2. Mid Game
3. Late Game

Everything is like in Dota 2. Let’s quickly analyze the timings and the map!

Early Game

At the beginning of the game, creeps fly to the lane every 25 seconds. Pay attention to the creep with a cross banner – this is a healer. Every 6 seconds, he restores 40 HP to you. The enemy has the same creep, so try to kill him first. He can heal both towers and heroes.

At the 2nd minute, “forest creeps” appear on the map. They are marked with a yellow circle. Similar to Dota, you can farm them and get 135 souls, which is equivalent to two lane creeps. The respawn time for each t1 camp is 4 minutes.
Here they are on the screen, in a yellow circle.

At the 3rd minute, vases, boxes, and statues appear. They contain a lot of useful things, so I recommend farming them to get bonuses! The number of souls in these objects increases as the game progresses. Respawn time is 3 minutes.


Mid game

At the 7th minute, creeps of the 2nd and 3rd tiers appear, a total of 25 camps. They are marked on the map with a yellow circle. As you can see, the icon changes to t2 (two triangles on top of each other) and t3 (three triangles).

From the 7th minute, for creeps you get:

Tier 2 creep – 95 souls, respawn – 6 minutes.
Tier 3 creep — 250 souls, respawn time — 8 minutes.
The reward increases with each minute! However, at the 10th minute, the “easy” gaming ends — you can’t get more souls from creeps. Now only the orbs that drop from them are important, and they need to be knocked down. Let me remind you that your melee attack is on the Q key, and if you finish off a creep with it, the orb will automatically get to you.

Mid-game goodies

At the 10th minute, the following appear:

1. Urn.
2. Mid-boss.
3. Machines with souls.
4. Runes of enhancement.

Let’s go in order!

1. Urn.
Take it to the specified place (see the screenshot and the yellow square), and your team will receive 3500 souls. The urn spawns every 5 minutes, and every 5 minutes its value increases: 3500-4500-5500, etc. You, as a courier, get +25% souls and 1 skill point.

2. Mid boss.
After killing him, a “rejuvenation” rune drops. The team that first hits the boss with Q gets it. It gives a buff for 3 minutes: the HP of candles increases by 50%, attack and movement speed increases, and the respawn time decreases by 50%. The buff is lost upon death, unfortunately. The boss’s respawn time is 7 minutes.

3. Machines with souls.
At the 10th minute, 370 souls are available in four machines, and at the 20th minute – 420 souls. Be careful, there are creeps near the machines, and they need to be killed first, otherwise the machine will start attacking you. After killing creeps, hit the machine gun with your hand (Q). For each hit, it takes HP off you, so be careful – you can kick back!

4. Runes of enhancement.
There are 4 runes in total:

Gun rune: +40% to the clip and +20% to the shooting speed.
Casting rune: -20% to the recharge time of skills and items, +25 to spirit power.
Movement rune: +3 to running speed, +50% to speed on a zipline, +30% to stamina regen, +2 to stamina.
Survival rune: +400 HP and 1% regeneration.
Runes spawn every 5 minutes. The buffs from the runes last 160 seconds.



It’s hard to call it late, but this is the stage of the game when you are closer to the throne than ever.

In addition to the main inventory, you have additional slots that are given for:

Breaking 1 walker, a big fat guard.
Breaking all walkers.
Killing “towers” (guards) in front of the base.
Any broken shrine at the base.

Also, for killing these “towers” you get 1 skill point. By pressing TAB, you can evaluate how much stronger your team is compared to the other.

That’s where my knowledge of Dota ends… oops, Deadlock! If you have something new to share in the comments, that would be cool.

Remember, it’s just a game!))

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