Bodycam: 10 Tips for New Players

In the high-stakes world of tactical combat, survival often hinges on the ability to navigate close quarters with precision and foresight. The following guide, crafted by these, distills the essence of CQB into a set of principles designed to enhance your operative’s survivability and save the lives of comrades on the battlefield. Drawing from personal experience and observations, this guide is a must-read for those seeking to master the art of close combat.


Tips for CQB

We hope this guide has provided valuable insights and tips that will enhance your CQB skills and save countless virtual lives.

  1. Movement: Always move in the direction you spawned to avoid obstructing your teammates and wasting precious seconds.
  2. The Flashlight: Avoid using it during the dark hours unless absolutely necessary. Rely on sound cues and use the flashlight sparingly to avoid revealing your position and endangering your comrades.
  3. Avoid Running: When unsure of an enemy’s location, opt for a crouched movement. Running can alert the enemy to your position and lead to premature elimination.
  4. Shooting Accuracy: Do not fire while running, as bullets tend to disperse and your aim will falter. If you have a clear or approximate location of the enemy, stop and aim carefully to increase your chances of success.
  5. The Dark: Use the darkness to your advantage, not as a reason to flee blindly to the enemy’s spawn.
  6. The Sound of a Falling Can: If you hear the sound of a can falling nearby, retreat immediately to avoid potential danger.
  7. Disarming the Ticking Time Bomb: Approach the beeping bomb with caution and follow the necessary steps to disarm it.
  8. Friends Can Be Foes: Don’t get under targeted fire!
    You don’t need to think that you will make it in time – YOU WILL NOT MAKE IT
    Wait for information or notify your comrade-in-arms that you are moving to the side of his fire.
    Otherwise, he will accidentally kill you and give away his position to the enemy shooter
  9. Utilizing Drones: If you see the enemy – LIGHT
    If you see your teammate – DO NOT LIGHT
    You also have an active force, look for the enemy on the map and fly to yours and pass on the information.
    There is no need to drain the drone – it is an important combat unit that has come to the rescue many times.
    Don’t talk too much – you’ll give away your position.
    Distract the enemy, but don’t put yourself under the gun, otherwise the drone will be shot down.
    DON’T KILL YOUR DRONES THEY BURN GREEN (The exception is idiots who mindlessly interfere and blind)
  10. The Art of Grenade Throwing: Master the timing and technique of grenade throwing to maximize its effectiveness.

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