The Casting of Frank Stone: All Rellik Locations

A guide to collecting all the rellik. For collecting all 12 rellik you will get the achievement:

  • Plangonologist – Collected all Relliks.


Chapter 1: The Burning Man

In the catacombs, before crawling through the drain, turn right and jump over the pipes.

Chapter 2: In The House of Darkness

First, pick up the note sheet on the dresser. Then use the piano in the room on the second floor. After that, the secret room in the same room with the piano will open. In this secret room you will find a relic.

Chapter 3: A Curiosity on Main Street

Endless Curiosities shop. Behind the seller’s bench, behind the far rack.

Chapter 5: The Phantom of Cedar Steel

In the brick catacombs. First turn on the left. At the end of the fork there is a crack, go through the crack, there is a collectible behind it.

Go through the hole in the wall. The passage is marked on the screenshot.

Chapter 6: Beyond the Gate

After getting the controls, go up the stairs to the top and find the relic in the corner.

Chapter 8: Mystery Manor

In the archives, behind the shelving on the left side.

Chapter 9: Descent of the Damned / Hunting Ground

After you turn the valve during the storyline and you need to meet your friends. You will crawl through the first ventilation and get to the catacombs on the secreenshot. In the storyline you need to climb the stairs, Instead go through the door, crawl through the ventilation again and you will get to a room, in this room behind the iron shutters there is a secret room with a relic.

Chapter 12: Closing the Noose

During the storyline you will find a hidden passage in the bedroom, at the end of the hidden passage you will arrive at a corridor. Turn left and follow the corridor. On the dresser to the right is a relic.

Chapter 13: Murder Mill

In the catacombs, after you find the camera.

Chapter 14: The Massacre at Gerant Manor

At the fork turn right, at the end of the path you will see a door. Behind the door is a relic.

The Champion

Only 11 relics are required for the achievement. There are a total of 12 relics in the game. You will get the last relic after watching all the credits at the end.

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