Hard Time III: How to Unlock Editor (Cheat Method)

This will help you unlock the editor fast af, legit 5 minutes



First, have a legit copy of hardtime 3.
Second, have a browser (any browser will work for this)
Third, Be on a supported version of windows to run your browser of choice.

The Process

First, Navigate to your browser.
Second, go to this[www.saveeditonline.com] link.
Third, Upload your save file by going to C:\Users\(your name)\AppData\LocalLow\MDickie\Hard Time III |Fourth, Once your save file is uploaded (The save.bytes file) search up sentence in the values and set it to 0

(If you can’t see appdata in your user folder then turn on hidden items)


After you do this re open up your mdickie hardtime 3 folder and drop in your edited save file after downloading it and hit replace item.
Then open up your game and play the game till your selected sentence is over.

(PS. Tell me if you don’t understand anything

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