Critter Cove: Radio Killed the Stage Star Walkthrough

Quick guide to the “Radio Killed the Stage Star” so you don’t have to backtrack



In this guild I’m going to give you a quick rundown of this mission. It annoyed me so here we go! i will update with pictures later

Item List

This mission requires a fair bit of backtracking if you don’t already know what to expect. for those who dont care about the rest of the mission and just want the items here they are.

Repair Radio Tower
3 Power Box
5 Wire
10 Metal beams

Collect Dishes for Tower
4 Radio Dish

Make a Control Panel
1 Control Panel

Find a Radio
1 Antique Radio

Mission Start!

To start this mission talk to Roman the otter. He will express that he wants to fix up the tower but does not have whats needed. this part of the mission is quite easy as the items are relatively simple to come by.

3 power box
5 wire
10 metal beam

After getting the items Roman will have you talk to Isaac who will send you across the map if you do not have whats needed

Across the map we go!

After talking to Isaac they will ask you for

4 Radio Dish

If you did not come prepared this means going across the map to the Lost City to pillage its rooftops for the dishes. fortunately they are not hard to spot at all and easy to collect. upon sailing back over and handing them over to Isaac he will start working on the tower and tell you to talk to Roman

Radio Control

After talking to roman if you did not come prepared then head back to the main island to craft up

1 Control Panel

The only thing that can possibly be annoying for this is the damaged control panel part. but those can easily be scavenged from other tech or found in the lost ruins. TBH i don’t remember where i got mine as i pick up literally everything i see

Once the control panel is made head back to the radio tower and hand it back off to Roman who will once again toss you back to Isaac

Across the map one more time!

after talking to Roman AGAIN he will ask for

1 Antique Radio

which can be found in ,you guessed it, the lost city! head back and find one. i found mine in the tall building with the elevator in the middle. the room has a cabinet with a skeleton in it and should be sitting on the desk (pictures will be added later for context)

if you have already looted this area for its items and turned them into the museum like i did then i find that sailing away, saving, then exiting the game will refresh the spawns.

grab that radio and head back to the otters one more time to get a repaired radio! this will give you information on which day it is, the up-coming weather and when tourist will visit your island.

its a fair bit of back and forth bit it was enough to get me annoyed enough to write this. i plan on adding pictures later. i hope this saves some people a bit of annoyance! have fun!

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