Guide to all the sidequests in sandbox mode
About this Guide
Make sure to talk to the villagers when entering a city. The first fey, you’ll interact with will talk to you about People that are in need. To unlock the quest ask them “Have you heard anything interesting?”. Once the villagers will answer with smalltalk you collected all bigger quests.
Now you have to talk to the Persons, they were talking about. Some will be marked on the map, others won’t.
In addition to that you will find villagers inside their homes who will need food items. Learn more about them in this guide as well.
Some tasks arise as you traverse the landscape. We will tell you about them in here.

Farm Quests
The local pumpkin and cabbage farmers need your help picking the goods and storing them in the shed.
If you help them with some of the cabbages/ pumpkins they will give you a reward. If you help them with all their goods you get an extra reward.
The quest doesn’t end here!
If you ask them what they will do now, they will tell you about their family tradition of cooking some foods with their harvest. They offer you to take some of their harvest. You can farm them with the left mouse click and use them to cook some delicious meals like Stuffed Pumpkin or Cabbage Rolls.
After cooking you have to return to the farmer and tell them that you cooked something with the harvest. They will tell you to put it on the table next to their farm. After you place the food there they will give you a last reward. They will give you various decoration items, 30 gold, ingredients, a painting and a decorative cabbage or pumpkin.
Cursed Chicken Farm
The villagers Chickens are dying and becoming sick. They names another person with whom they has a dispute. You have to talk to that villager, who will be marked with the same symbol on the map. After talking to them you have to talk to Baba Yaga (if you do the quest for the first time). She will tell you to find a cursed object inside of the chicken coop (above the entrance). Return to the Henhouse and remove the object with your ravens (aim with right click, send them on their way with left click). After that you have to cleanse the chicken coop with a branch. Talk to the Chicken Farmer and get your reward.
They are likely to reward you with your own chicken. At home you can open the building mode and find it under the tab “friends”. You can place the nest and collect the eggs every day. You can use the eggs for a variety of recipes. Look at THIS GUIDE to see what you can use them for.
You can carry a chicken by pressing “E” and take it to your home (walk or teleport hy holding “H”). When entering your hut, you’ll be asked, if you want to take the animal home or free the animal. If you decide to keep the chicken, you will find it by openig the building mode (“Friends”) as well.
The goat farmer tells you to bless their goats. For that you need to brush honey on their faces.
After doing so with all Goats you get a reward. You might have to talk to Baba Yaga after receiving the quest for the first time to get further instructions.
Villager Quests
In the village there are some hungry villagers that want to buy food from you. You recognize them standing next to a table.
They either want a small or a normal meal and specify, if they want something sweet or savory.
A small meal is most of the time one food item and a normal meal two.
After putting the food item on their table just press the x in the top right corner or press escape. They will reward you with 60 coins, ingredients and a decoration item. If you offer them too much or too little or something that is not sweet or savory, they will complain and only give you 30 coins.
The quality of food can vary a bit with the different meals. For food quality with villagers see THIS GUIDE.
Unlucky birds have to contend with a deficit in their pantry. They’ll ask you to get them specific Ingredients and Goods. Fire up the oven and conjure up delicious dishes to fulfill the order. Return to the Villager and interact with the storage cupboard by pressing “E”. Now you have to left click on the Ingredients and Goods they requested. You don’t have to fill the pantry first try. Just come back later. You’ll get your reward once you’ve finished. You get 60 gold, a couple of decoration items and ingredients.
COMMON BUG: If they want Ingredients like grain, they sometimes don’t show in the pantry. But they are there.
COMMON BUG: Sometimes the villager is standing on the bench in front of their house.
Some malicious inhabitants will beckon to you and whisper something to you. Talking to them you will learn, that they have a dispute with another villager. They will ask you to poison their enemy. If you decide to get along, you’ll go to the villager and offer them food. On the table with the offered food you put a mild poison. The villager will complain that they don’t feel good. Now you can report back to the questgiver and gain your revard.
Some villagers will tell you about someone that seems to have lost their memories. Search for that person and talk to them. After that you’ll have to return to Baba Yaga. She’ll tell you to hand them raspberry jam. Take a jam jar and return to the Person who lost his memory. They will eat it and you’ll gain a reward.
There are griefing villagers that need a home cleansing. The griefing villager sits in front of their house on a bench. They lost a close one and there was a burial but something feels amiss when they are in the house. Once you enter their home everything will turn grey.
To cleanse a home you need to use your pine branch and place black salt in every corner of the house.
After that the color of the house will change and you can return to the villager for a reward. They give you a few decoration items and 30 gold.
From time to time you will see an old babushka sitting in front of a fireplace. A relative has gone missing and you have to bless them. For that you have to put black salt in the oven in front of her.
She will reward you with some decoration items and gold.
Some villagers are scared of evil spirits or just on a bad streak and want you to spell a protection charm on their home. For the protection charm you need to place black salt on all dorways and garlick on all window frames.
The doorways include doorways in their shed!
After charming the house you have to talk to the villager again. They will reward you with a couple of decoration items and 30 coins.
Map Quests
While wandering in the woods you will probably find a shrine with three different symbols. To finish this quest you need to light all the candles in front of the symbols. The candles will only stay lit if it is the time of the day the corresponding symbol shows. There is one for daybreak/dusk with two candles, one for day showing a sun and one for night showing a moon. You can light the first candle when arriving at the shrine. Depending on the time one of the symbols will glow and you can light the candle in front of it. The candle will stay lit and the symbol will keep glowing.
I would recommend walking there with your chicken hut and sleeping till dawn or dusk. Then light the candle and go for a walk or to the village till it is day or night. Then teleport back to your house and light the corresponding candle.
Once all the candles are lit, the stones behind the symbols will move and you can pick up a special decor item.
The Lutki are cheeky spirits living in the woods. They love raspberries and if you feed them they will reward you. As a reward you get fire wood, dried plants, onion braids or apples.
Some villagers might tell you about the hunter putting up traps for hares in the woods. This will mark an icon on your map showing a little cage. Sometimes you stumble across them without being told. You can destroy the trap with the left mouse click and the hare is free. If you freed it you can pick it up and carry it back to your home (or teleport with it in your hands). At your home you can decide if you want to free it or bring it home. If you bring it home you will find it in the building mode in the “friends” category. There is no other reward.
In the woods you might stumble across some blue lights and find an old graveyard. Pick up a branch at a nearby pine tree and cleanse the evil spirits. After doing so you can interact with the grave to get a “reward”.
In the middle of the graveyard there is always a pine tree you can snap a twig off of.
COMMON BUG: Sometimes the ritual at the first grave won’t work. Make sure to pick up a fresh branch at the graveyard. If you already done that try to press “E” multiple times.
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Like the game it is a wip so we are glad if you tell us things we forgot to add or have any tipps!🎃🍂
There are still some pictures missing, but we will add them soon!