REKA: Cooking and Recipe Guide

There are lots of tasty things you can cook in REKA but also some dangerous recipes. This guide shows you the recipes and their food quality with villagers.


Cooking in General

If you want to cook something in Reka you have to go to the oven in the middle of your house.
On the middle-left side of the oven you can place items and cook them. You have to combine three items. If something can be cooked out of the ingredients together they will convert to the oven with a cooking timer or in the queue on the left side. If you click on items in the queue the items will transfer back in your inventory.🎃🍂

On the right side of the oven your cooked goods are stored. If you click on them they transfer in your inventory.

Make sure there is always wood in the back of your oven!!!

Have fun trying to mix different ingredients and find new recipes or continue reading this guide for all recipes.
There is a detailed version of all dishes and a table with selling prices summing it all up ✨🐈‍⬛

All the foods:


The first fruit preserve was invented in the Roman Empire. They preserved plums with sugar cane and made the first plum jam.¹ Today Jam is prepared by cooking fruit with jam sugar that is mixed with pectin. (Science fun fact: pectin is a gelling agent found in citrus fruit and apples. You don’t need jam sugar for a fruit preserve with them). Making Jam is a great way to preserve the abundance of berries and fruit harvested in summer and fall. My favourite jam is raspberry jam! It has the best sweet-sour ratio and tastes like summer in a jar.

Currently there is only one kind of Jam in REKA.

Raspberrie Jam

You can cook Raspberry Jam by either combining three Raspberries or two Raspberries and one Honeycomp.

Jam is less then a small sweet meal. You need two Jams for a small sweet meal. A jam and another sweet food item are not enough for a regular sweet meal.



Porrige is a food that has been consumed since the Paleolithic Age. Back then it might have been just crushed starchy plants heated with water. In Northern Europe and Russia porrige has been a typical staple food made out of different types of grains that were available. It was primarily a savoury dish, with meats, root crops, vegetables and herbs added for flavor¹. Today it is mostly prepared for breakfast with sugar, fruit and milk. (I use a mix of differnet grains and usually add oatmilk, cinnamon, dried ginger, peanut butter, blueberries and raspberries).

There are four different kinds of Porrige in REKA.


For normal Porrige you have to combine 3 Grain.

Porrige with Fruit

For Porrige with Fruit just combine two Grain and one Raspberries or one Grain and two Raspberries.

Porrige with Honey

For Porrige with Honey cook two Grain and one Honeycomb or one Grain and two Honeycomb.

Porrige with Honey and Fruit

For Porrige with Honey and Fruit combine one Grain one Raspberries and one Honeycomb.

Porriges count as small sweet meals, except the plain Porrige. Plain Porrige doesn’t count as savory nor sweet when given to villagers. You better combine it with other savory or sweet Items.


Cakes and Pies

In Reka you can prepare Pancakes, Berrie Cake, Pumpkin Cake and Honey Cake. There are a few different types of Honey Cake in Eastern Europe¹. There is ukranian Medivnyk, polish Miodownik, russian Medovik and german Honigkuchen (and there seems to be ancient greek “Placenta Cake” but ew. Edit: turns out the mamalian placenta is called after the cake and not vice versa).
Fun Fact: In germany we say “you shine like a honey cake horse” if someone seems very happy.


If you are a sweet witch you can combine Flour, Raspberries and a Honeycomb for delicious flat Pancakes.
The Pancake is a small sweet meal.

Honey Cake

For Honey Cake combine Eggs, Flour and Honey Comb.
The Honey Cake is more than a sweet meal(?).

Berrie Cake

To craft Berrie Cake combine Egg, Flour and Raspberries.
The Berrie Cake is more than a sweet meal(?).

Pumpkin Cake

Combine Egg, Flour and Pumpkin for Pumpkin Cake.
The Pumpkin Cake is more than a sweet meal(?).



Bread is a typical staple food throughout Europe. There are LOTS of different kinds of bread here. Over here in Germany we have the largest variety of breads worldwide with more than 300 basic kinds of bread.¹ In Europe we have Black Bread, Grey Bread, Brown Bread, White Bread, Sourdough Bread, Grain Bread, …

There are currently only two types of Bread in REKA.


Add three Flour or two Flour and one Salt to your Oven to bake some delicious white Bread.
Bread counts as a small savory meal.

Garlic Bread

If you crave some hearty Bread you can combine two Flour and one Garlic for Garlic Bread.
Garlic Bread is a small savory meal.



In fall and winter, soups provide a perfect meal to warm you from within. I just spent four days eating pumpkin soup with different kinds of bread and toppings like roasted pumpkin seeds (the poor kids) and kimchi. I ate Czech Garlic Soup for the first time one year ago and, what can I say, it was AWESOME!

There are three Kinds of Soups in the Game.

Mushroom Soup

You can prepare Mushroom Soup by cooking three Edible Mushrooms or two Edible Mushrooms with one Salt.
Mushroom Soup is a small savory meal.

Garlic Soup

You can craft Garlic Soup by combining three Heads of Garlic.
Garlic Soup couts as a small savory meal.

Pumpkin Soup

Combine three Pumpkins.
Pumpkin Soup is a small savory meal.

Egg Dishes

Scrambled Egg

Combine three Eggs in the oven.
Scrambled Eggs are a small savory meal.

Mushroom Deviled Eggs

Combine two Eggs and one Edible Mushroom.
Mushroom Deviled Eggs are a small savory meal.


Pierogi are traditional dumplings prepared in Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe. Preparing them takes a long time and they are usually cooked with the whole family helping. The dumplings are filled with minced meat, bacon, potatoes, mushrooms, cabbage or fruit. They are simmered in water and then served or panfried with onions.¹

Pierogies with Pumpkin

To cook tasty Pierogies combine Flour, Salt and Pumpkin.

Pierogies with Mushrooms

For Pierogies with Mushrooms combien Flour, Salt and Edible Mushrooms.

Pierogies with Cabbage

Add Flour, Salt and Cabbage to your oven.

All Pierohies are regular savory meals.


Cabbage Rolls

Cabbage Roll is a common dish in Europe. They are typically filled with ground meat and seasoned with onion and spices. The blanced cabbage leaves are filled and then simmered with a sauce. In Middle and Eastern Europe the sauce is often tomato based.¹ My grandma used to make “Kohlrouladen” with potatoes and gravy and showed me how to prepare them when I was a child. I never heard of Cabbage Rolls stuffed with pumpkin or mushrooms, but I will defenitely try it!

Cabbage Rolls with Mushrooms

For some nice Cabbage Rolls combine two Cabbages with one Edible Mushroom.

Cabbage Rolls with Pumpkin

Add two Cabbages and one Pumpkin in your oven.

All Cabbage Rolls are regular savory meals.


Stuffed Pumpkins

Mushroom Stuffed Pumpkin

Combine Pumpkin, Edible Mushrooms and Grain for stuffed Pumpkin.

Cabbage Stuffed Pumpkin

Combine Pumpkin, Cabbage and Grain.

All Stuffed Pumpkins are regular savory meals.


Witchcraft Items are used to cleanse or charm places or … to poison people.

Black Salt

You can craft Black Salt by combining three Salt in the oven.
Villagers won’t eat Black Salt. You can’t feed it to them.

Mild Poison

You can craft a Mild Poison by combining three Fla Agaric Mushrooms.
It poisons the Villagers if you give it to them. You get no rewards then. So don’t. …unless you want to earn some extra coin from some shady villagers.

Table with all Foods

Sweet Meals


Selling Price
Raspberry Jam
Raspberries + Raspberries + Raspberries or
Raspberries + Raspberries + Honeycomb
1/2 small sweet meal
8 Coins
Grain + Grain + Grain
small meal, neutral,
has to be combined with
other sweet or savory dish
8 Coins
Porrige with Honey
Grain + Grain + Honeycomb or
Grain + Honeycomb + Honeycomb
small sweet meal
8 Coins
Porrige with Fruit
Grain + Grain + Raspberries or
Grain + Raspberries + Raspberries
small sweet meal
8 Coins
Porrige with Fruit and Honey
Grain + Honeycomb + Raspberries
small sweet meal
12 Coins
Flour + Raspberries + Honeycomb
sweet meal
12 Coins
Honey Cake
Honeycomb + Flour + Eggs
sweet meal
6 Coins
Berry Cake
Raspberries + Flour + Eggs
sweet meal
6 Coins
Pumpkin Pie
Pumpkin + Flour + Eggs
sweet meal
6 Coins


Savory Meals


Selling Price
Mushroom Soup
Edible Mushroom + Edible Mushroom + Edible Mushroom or
Edible Mushroom + Edible Mushroom + Salt
small savory meal
8 Coins
Garlic Soup
Garlic + Garlic + Garlic
small savory meal
6 Coins
Pumpkin Soup
Pumpkin + Pumpkin + Pumpkin
small savory meal
6 Coins
Flour + Flour + Flour or
Flour + Flour + Salt
small savory meal
8 Coins
Garlic Bread
Flour + Flour + Garlic
small savory meal
6 Coins
Scrambled Egg
Eggs + Eggs + Eggs
small savory meal
6 Coins
Mushroom Deviled Eggs
Eggs + Eggs + Edible Mushrooms
small savory meal
6 Coins
Pierogies with Mushrooms
Flour + Salt + Edible Mushrooms
savory meal
6 Coins
Pierogies with Pumpkin
Flour + Salt + Pumpkin
savory meal
6 Coins
Pierogies with Cabbage
Flour + Salt + Cabbage
savory meal
6 Coins
Mushroom Stuffed Pumpkin
Pumpkin + Grain + Edible Mushrooms
savory meal
6 Coins
Cabbage Stuffed Pumpkin
Cabbage + Grain + Pumpkin
savory meal
6 Coins
Cabbage Rolls with Mushrooms
Cabbage + Cabbage + Edible Mushrooms
savory meal
6 Coins
Cabbage Rolls with Pumpkin
Cabbage + Cabbage + Pumpkin
savory meal
6 Coins




Selling Price
Black Salt
Salt + Salt + Salt
12 Coins
Mild Poison
Fly Agaric Mushroom + Fly Agaric Mushroom + Fly Agaric Mushroom
8 Coins

Happy Cooking!

Thank you for reading my guide <3

It’s my first guide ever and I’m super excited to share it with you, my fellow witch ✨
I reeeeeally love this game and sometimes catch myself wandering in the woods just enjoying the atmosphere and the bright raspberries that are ready to be picked for a nice porrige or cake.

I hope your food pantry is always stocked and the fire in your oven is always burning and warming your witch hut in the cold autumn season! 🍂🎃

If you found new recipes or tipps just comment :]

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