Pax Dei: Resource Locations (Edibles, Minerals, Wood, Clay, and Flax)

This guide will list all current resource locations in Pax Dei.


Resource Locations

Your survival in Pax Dei hinges on your ability to locate and utilize resources effectively.


[— Cursed Plains —]

[— Eerie Pine Forest —]
• Mushrooms = Black Trumpet
• Outside of Home Valley = Chlorine, Dapperling, Enoki, Fool’s Webcap, Lily of the Valley, Morel

[— Flooded Lands —]
• Materials = Clay(Highest)

[— Forsaken Forest —]
• Mushrooms = Black Trumpet
• Outside of Home Valley = Hawthorn, Morel

[— Grasslands —]
• Animals/NPC = Badger, Boar, Deer
• Berries = Blackberry(Low), Blueberry(Low), Datura, Raspberry, Red Apples
• Herbs = Chives, Daisy(Only), Dandelion(Only), Meadowsweet, Soap Wort
• Materials = Clay(Medium), Cotton(Medium), Flax, Periwinkle, Reeds
• Minerals = Gneiss Deposit
• Mushrooms = Berserker Mushroom, Death Cap, Penny Bun
• Baking/Brewing/Cooking = Barley(Low), Rye, Parsley

[— Lands of Stone —]
[T2 + T3 Trees]
• Animals/NPC =
• Berries = Grapevine(Medium)
• Herbs = Loios’Tears, Sage
• Materials = Flax
• Minerals = Granite Deposit, Impure Iron Deposit
• Mushrooms =
• Baking/Brewing/Cooking = Barley(High), Mustard

[— Meadows —]

[— Oak Forest —]
[T1 + T2 + T3 Trees]
• Animals/NPC = Boar, Deers, Fox, Rabbits
• Berries = Deadly Nightshade, Raspberry, Red Currant, Strawberry
• Herbs = Soapwort, Tansy
• Materials = Periwinkle
• Mushrooms = Berserker Mushroom(Medium), Black Trumpet, Death Cap, Divine Mushroom(Only), Penny Bun(High)
• Baking/Brewing/Cooking = Garlic(Only), Hops(High), Red Onion, Yellow Onion
• Outside of Home Valley = Enoki, Fool’s Webcap

[— Pine Forest —]
[T1 + T2 Trees]
• Animals/NPC = Badger, Boar, Deer, Fox
• Berries/Fruits = Blueberry(High), Datura(Medium), Deadly Nightshade, Raspberry
• Herbs = Loios’Tears
• Materials = Clay(Medium), Periwinkle, Reeds
• Mushrooms = Berserker Mushroom(Medium), Black Trumpet, Death Cap(High), Penny Bun(High)
• Baking/Brewing/Cooking = Red Onion, Yellow Onion, Mustard
• Outside of Home Valley = Amanita Regalis, Angelica, Chlorine, Crown Beard, Dapperling, Enoki, Fool’s Webcap, Hawthorn, Lily of the Valley, Oyster Mushroom,

[— Scrublands —]
• Animals/NPC = Boar, Fox, Wolf
• Berries = Grapevine(High), Raspberry(High), Strawberry(Low)
• Herbs = Sage(Medium), Thyme(Low)
• Materials = Clay(High), Cotton(Highest), Flax(High), Reeds(High)
• Minerals = Impure Iron Deposit, Limestone Deposit
• Mushrooms = Penny Bun
• Baking/Brewing/Cooking = Barley(High), Rye(High)
• Outside of Home Valley = Alpine Juniper, Angelica, Bladder Champion, Elderberry, Fennel, Golden Poppy, Lavender(High), Oat(Medium)

[— Windswept Steppe —]
• Animals/NPC = Lost Soul, Zabians
• Berries = Blackberry(High), Grapevine(High)
• Herbs = Chives, Plantago, Sage, Tansy
• Materials = Clay(High), Flax(High), Reeds
• Minerals = Impure Iron Deposit, Limestone Deposit
• Mushrooms = Black Trumpet
• Baking/Brewing/Cooking = Barley, Hops(High), Rye
• Outside of Home Valley = Alfalfa, Alpine Juniper, Amanita Regalis, Angelica, Castor Plant, Cat Grass, Cane Flower, Dapperling, Elderberry, Fennel, Fool’s Webcap, High Mallow, Oyster Mushroom, Pasque Flower

[— Woods of Old —]

— Edibles

MH = Max Health
MS = Max Stamina
RH = Regen Health
RS = Regen Stamina


Alpine Juniper Berry (MH +31 / MS +10 / RH +0.2)
Blackberry (MH +23 / MS +8 / RH +0.1)
Blueberry (MH +5 / MS +16)
Datura Fruit (MH +18 / MS +18 / RS +0.7)
Elderberry (MH +11 / MS +11 / RS +0.5)
Gooseberry (MH +13 / MS +38 / RH +0.1)
Hawthorne (MH +10 / MS +30 / RH +0.1)
Raspberry (MH +16 / MS +5 / RH +0.1)
Red Currant (MH +21 / MS +7 / RH +0.1)
Rosehip (MH +28 / MS +9 / RS +0.2)
Strawberry (MH +8 / MS +8 / RS +0.4)

Nightshade Fruit (MH -13 / MS -13 / RH -1.4 / RS -2)


Black Trumpet (MH +10 / MS +10 / RS +0.8)
Morel (MH +13 / MS +13 / RH +0.4)
Penny Bun (MH +21 / MS +21)
Porcini (MH +41 / MS +41)

Berserker (MH -18 / MS -10)
Deathcap (MH -11 / MS -11 / RS -1.8)
Fools Webcap (MH -31 / MS -17)

— Minerals

Gneiss Rock

A small white rock on the ground
Location: Near rocky areas (Large Boulders, Cliffs, Mountains)

Flint Rock

A small stone on the ground, like Gneiss but darker
Location: Near large bodies of water (A lot near Rivers)

Gneiss Deposit

A large bright white boulder

Impure Iron Ore Deposit

A large light gray boulder with dark green spots
Location: Mountains, Hills, Cliffs

Iron Ore Deposit

A large dark gray boulder with dark green spots
Location: Outside of Home Zones in Mountains, Hills, Cliffs

Pure Iron Ore Deposit

Location: Province of Lyonesse (PvP Enabled)

— Wood

T1 Trees

[T1 Gneiss Stone Axe Needed]
• Small trees with bright green leafs (Amount = 2 ~ 12 Sapwood)

[— Dead Trees—]
Location: Pine Forests, Oak Forests
• Small Dead Trees (Amount = ~5 Sapwood)
~4x Hits to Gather using Gneiss Stone Axe(T1)
~3x Hits to Gather using Iron Chopping Axe(T2)
~2x Hits to Gather using Wrought Iron Chopping Axe(T3)

• Medium Dead Trees (Amount = ~10 Sapwood)
~6x Hits to Gather using Gneiss Stone Axe(T1)
~3x Hits to Gather using Iron Chopping Axe(T2)
~2x Hits to Gather using Wrought Iron Chopping Axe(T3)

• Medium Dead Trees (Amount = ~15 Sapwood)
~6x Hits to Gather using Gneiss Stone Axe(T1)
~4x Hits to Cut Down and 4x Hits to Gather using Iron Chopping Axe(T2)
~3x Hits to Cut Down and 3x Hits to Gather using Wrought Iron Chopping Axe(T3)

T2 Trees

[T2 Iron Chopping Axe Needed]

Rare Chance of gathering Heartwood 1 ~ 10 after reaching Level 20 of Woodcutting
THEORY : Penny Bun Mushroom increases the chance of getting Heartwood.

[— Pine Trees —]
Location: Pine Forests
• Small Pine Trees (Amount = ~5 Sapwood)
~8x Hits to Gather using Iron Chopping Axe(T2)
~5x Hits to Gather using Wrought Iron Chopping Axe(T3)

• Medium Pine Trees (Amount = ~25 Sapwood)
~11x Hits to Gather using Iron Chopping Axe(T2)
~8x Hits to Gather using Wrought Iron Chopping Axe(T3)

• Large Pine Trees (Amount = ~70 Sapwood)
~18x Hits to Cut Down + 18x Hits to Gather using Iron Chopping Axe(T2)
~12x Hits to Cut Down + 12x Hits to Gather using Wrought Iron Chopping Axe(T3)

[— Oak Trees —]
Location: Oak Forests
• Small Oak Trees (Amount = 5 ~ 20 Sapwood)
~8x Hits to Gather using Iron Chopping Axe(T2)
~5x Hits to Gather using Wrought Iron Chopping Axe(T3)

• Medium Oak Trees (Amount = ~30 Sapwood)
~13x Hits to Cut Down + 13x Hits to Gather using Iron Chopping Axe(T2)
~9x Hits to Cut Down + 9x Hits to Gather using Wrought Iron Chopping Axe(T3)

• Large Pale Oak Trees (Amount = ~40 Sapwood)
15x Hits to Cut Down + 15x hits to Gather using Iron Chopping Axe(T2)
10x Hits to Cut Down + 10x hits to Gather using Wrought Iron Chopping Axe(T3)

T3 Trees

[T3 Wrought Iron Chopping Axe Needed]
[— Oak Trees —]
Location: Oak Forests
• Large Dark Oak Trees (Amount = ~40x Heartwood + ~80x Sapwood)
~18x Hits to Cut Down + 18x Hits to Gather using Wrought Iron Chopping Axe(T3)

[— “Bonsai” Trees —]
Location: Lands of Stone
• Small “Bonsai” Trees (Amount = ~5x Heartwood + ~10x Sapwood)
~5x Hits to Cut Down + 5x to Gather using Wrought Iron Chopping Axe(T3)

• Medium “Bonsai” Trees (Amount = ~10x Heartwood + ~15x Sapwood)
~8x Hits to Cut Down + 8x Hits to Gather using Wrought Iron Chopping Axe(T3)

• Large “Bonsai” Trees (Amount = ~20x Heartwood + ~30x Sapwood)
~16x Hits to Cut Down + 16x Hits to Gather using Wrought Iron Chopping Axe(T3)

— Others

Location: Near Roads, Flooded Plains biomes, some Forests


Brown colored
Location: Mountains, Cliffs, Grasslands

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