Atelier Yumia – Solution for the “Left Joystick Up = A Press” Issue

Are you experiencing an issue with your controller in Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist of Memories & the Envisioned Land, where pressing up on the left joystick registers as an A button press? This can be particularly frustrating during base building or map navigation. This guide will provide a step-by-step solution to help you resolve this problem and restore proper controller functionality.


The Problem

When playing the game, I and many others have reported an issue with map navigation and base building, where holding up on the joystick to move will, for some reason, register an A press, causing issues with grabbing items or setting map markers without intending to.

The Solution

First, disable Steam cloud on Atelier Yumia. Right click Atelier Yumia in your library, select Properties, then click the following tick to the left.

Second, navigate to Documents\KoeiTecmo\Atelier Yumia. Delete “steam_autocloud.vdf”. Grab any files titled “user_data_[numbers].bin” and move them into a separate folder.

Third, boot Atelier Yumia. It will create a new save. As soon as you can save the game, do so, then quit.

Finally, go back to Documents\KoeiTecmo\Atelier Yumia. Delete the new user_data files that have been created, and replace them with the ones that you set aside in step two.

If you’ve done everything correctly, when you boot Atelier Yumia again, you will have your old save back, but now with the full and correct controller bindings. If you wish to continue your Steam cloud functionality, return to step one, but move the tick back to the right, and you are finished.

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