Two Point Museum: Exhibit Traits, Abilities & Secrets List

A guide to the Traits, Abilities and Secrets of Exhibits.
Many exhibits have passive abilities that are extremely helpful for your museum! Contraptions can water your plants and heal your staff, Anomalies can market your museum in space and enhance the guest experience, Plants can feed your guests or change them entirely, Fish can be valuable investments, and Frozen Finds have secrets waiting to be defrosted.
Currently contains – Custom Contraptions, Astral Anomalies, Prehistory Mysteries, Frozen Finds, Fish and, Plants
WIP – I plan on adding in all other exhibits, as well as interactive exhibits, craftable items in the workshop and anything else that would add to this



This is intended to become a comprehensive guide of all exhibits, and what they can do/be used for/their abilites.

I’ve started with Space Exhibits/Plants/Mysteries/Fish/Contraptions as (so far) they seem to have the most active effects on guests or uses within the museum.

My goal is to complete this for all Exhibits and items within the museum, but it’s still a WIP.

As always if I’ve missed anything/you’ve found anything extra please let me know!

Custom Contraptions

nb- currently I’m working on a list of the costs of crafting each one/goals to unlock the higher levels, once I’ve completed this I’ll add them to this list.

Point of Interest/How Obtained
Spa Point
Received after completing the ‘Ground Breaking’ Objective
Spa Point
Guests who view this exhibit receive an energy boost
Received after completing the ‘Sickly Pear’ Objective
Converts Botany Exhibits into ‘Mulch’ material
Robo Charger
Received after completing the ‘Stench Warfare’ Objective
Robo Charger
Restore the energy levels of robo staff for a small cost
DNA Designer
Received after completing the ‘Bungle Mainfraime’ Objective’
DNA Designer
Change Guests into specific archetypes
Air Commissioner
Cryo Labs
Air Commissioner
Control the Surrounding Temperature (Toggleable – Hot, Temperate, Cold)
Sprinkler Pump
Bungle Burrows
Sprinkler Pump
Waters (restores) nearby plant exhibits
Panoptic Pillar
Security Labs
Panoptic Pillar
May reveal disguised criminals
Beautification Beam
Laser Labs
Beautification Beam
Guests who view this exhibit receive an environment boost
Jolt Converter
Shock Labs
Jolt Converter
Gives nearby guests a small speed boost
Robo Mod Stop
Modification Labs
Mod Stop
add modifications to robot staff for personalised help
Judgement Clouder
Chemical Labs
Judgement Clouder
Impact guest experience with customisable chemicals
Memory Bank
Memory Labs
Memory Bank
Upload Lived XP to your staff
Douse ‘n’ Dose
Medical Labs
Douse ‘n’ Dose
Cures Staff of Illness and Injuries
Robo Charge-Master
Charge Labs
Robo Charge-Master
Restore the energy levels of robo staff for a small cost. 3-in-1

Astral Anomalies

nb – this section focuses on activated Anomalies, if you would like a guide on how to activate them, I have made one here
All Astral Anomalies have the Astral AnomalyTrait – ‘The Mysterious glyphs on this exhibit must be important’

Point of Interest
Celestial Cell – Circle
Two Point Orbit
Celestial Cell – Triangle
Two Point Orbit
Celestial Cell – Square
The Moon
Space Ball (Anatomic Fabricator)
Cosmic Construction
Generates Decorative Items
Galactic Bulb (Cybegonia Flower)
Two Point Orbit
Space Flower
Prevents Guest Environment Decay
Table of Cosmos (Theoretical Extrapolator)
The Moon
Space Wisdom
Provides Additional Knowledge
Orbit Totem (Therasonic Amplifier)
Blue Cheese Moon
Theraputic Sound
Increases Guest Happiness
Blending Gears (Culinary Compounder)
Gibbon Moon One
Space Juicer
Increases Food and Drink
Pressure Pod (Lavatory Laboratory)
Gibbon Moon Two
Space Toilet
Sustained Increase to Toilet Comfort
Moon Junk (Aligner Recliner)
Gibbon Moon Three
Space Chair
Boosts Energy
Ballistic Antennae (Universal Grasper)
Satelilly Pad
Space Hug
Boosts Entertainment
Stellar Sting (Buzz Pollinator)
Hyperway Services
Space Bee
Boosts Buzz
Star Cannon (Publicity Ray)
Hayley’s Comet
Galactic Marketing
Increases Guest Desire to Stay at the Museum
Podium of Pain (Astral Archway)
Anomalonian Archives
Astral Archway
Boosts Guest Happiness
Drop Platform (Pedi Pond)
Hayley’s Comet
Space Pond
Boosts Movement Speed
Puzzle Piece (Perception Desk)
Anomalonian Archives
Space Gift
Boosts Buzz, Knowledge and Happiness

Prehistory Mysteries

Nb – All Prehistory Mysteries have the Prehistory Mystery Trait – Contains Strange markings from another time or place
This section focuses on activated Mysteries, if you would like a guide on how to activate them, I have made one here

Point of Interest
Time Portal
Spoony Dunes (Bone Belt)/Alternate Yesterday (Netherworld)
Portal People
A useful door to the dawn of time nb – allows cavepeople to visit your museum
Cave Painting Wall
Ginormous Rock (Bone Belt)
Ancient Advert
Promoting your museum through time and place
Cave Painting Corner
Vintage Vestinges (Bone Belt)
Ancient Advert
Promoting your museum through time and place
Lone Henge
Spoony Dunes (Bone Beltl)
Ancient Advert
Promoting your museum through time and place
Ancient Anatomic Fabricator
Primal Frontier (Bone Belt)
Cosmic Construction
Generates Decorative Items

Frozen Finds

nb – all Frozen Finds have the Frozen Trait – Melts when Maintenance reaches 0%. The Defrosted exhibit will need to be sold

Point of Interest
When Defrosted
Frozen Fridge
Cold Mines (Bone Belt)/Darkest Depths (Two Point Sea)
There is a chance of an expert(who will join your staff) or cave-person escaping the now defrosted fridge
Frozen Mondo-Monobeast
Frosted Tops (Bone Belt)
Bursts into many small Monobeasts
Frozen Cave-Person
Cold Mines (Bone Belt)
The Cave-Person will vandalise your museum nb- allow them to vandalise a donation stand for an achievement
Frozen Lantern Fish
Darkest Depths (Two Point Sea)
The defrosted fish can be stored in your inventory and placed in your aquarium for a live fish. Nb – be quick when defrosting, as they die quickly without water
Frozen Beehive
Cold Mines (Bone Belt)
Swarms of bees will attack your guests


nb – All plants have the Mortal trait- Dies if Health reaches 0%

Edible Plants


Point of Interest
Environment Needs
Evergreen Weiner Tree
Herbaceous Greens (Bone Belt)
Wiener Fruit
Increases Food, but Decreases Toilet comfort
Flagon Fruit
Lethargic River (Bone Belt)
Flagon Fruit
Increases Drink, but Decreases Toilet comfort
Syrup Tree
Stop Beaton & Deadhorse (Bone Belt)
Syrup Fruit
Increases Drink, but Decreases Toilet comfort
Cake Plant
Herbaceous Greens (Bone Belt)
Cake Fruit
Increases Food and Entertainment, but Decreases Toilet comfort
Sickly Pear
Allotment Labs (Bungle Burrows)
Sickly Fruit
Increases Food, but Decreases Toilet comfort
Hot Climate


Man-Eating Plants


Point of Interest
Environment Needs
Folding Chaptrap
Bigfoot Gardens (Bone Belt)
Hot Climate & Humid Climate
Blooming Buffoon
Bigfoot Gardens (Bone Belt)/Netherworld’s Fair (Netherworld)
Plant Produce (Clowns)
Will occasionally ingest a guest, and turn them into a clown. Nb- seeing a clown gives guests ‘Walking Circus – Entertained by a clown. Increased Entertainment’
Hot Climate & Humid Climate
Haemogobbler Plant
Reaper Furrow (Netherworld)
Plant Produce (Vampires)
Will occasionally ingest a guest, and turn them into a Vampire. Nb – this provides Dream Visits to Goth Guests
Chomper Pit
Chomper Jungle (Bone Belt)
Squits and Giggles
Scary in a good way. Entrtaining with only a mild impact on toilet comfort
Hot Climate & Humid Climate
Chomper Jr.
Chomper Jungle (Bone Belt)
Hot Climate & Humid Climate
Mountainous Plants
Point of Interest
Environment Needs


Cliffhanger Plant
Scruffy Bluff (Bone Belt)
Aurora Arborealis
Primal Frontier (Bone Belt)
Melts when Maintenance reaches 0%. The Defrosted exhibit will need to be sold
Cold Climate
Chilly Plant
Iced Spires (Netherworld)/Cryo Labs (Bungle Burrows)
Melts when Maintenance reaches 0%. The Defrosted exhibit will need to be sold
Cold Climate
Ghost Plant
Fog Moors (Netherworld)
Cold Climate


Tropical Plants


Point of Interest
Environment Needs
Stink Plant
Gnawn Wood (Bone Belt)
Stink Spores
Smells Terrible when its Health is low, impairing the local environment
Hot Climate & Humid Climate
Dancing Tree
Lethargic River (Bone Belt)
Hot Climate & Humid Climate
Palm Tree
Overgrowth Jungle (Two Point Sea)
Hot Climate & Humid Climate


Foreign Flora


Point of Interest
Environment Needs
Copyblight Plant
Mushroom Wilds (Netherworld)
Hot Climate
Springon Flower
Mushroom Wilds (Netherworld)
Hot Climate
Peek-a-Lilly Pads
Pebberley Coast (Two Point Sea)/Satelilly Pad (Known Universe)

Fish Intro


  • All fish (except the Lagoonian Creature) have the Mortal Trait – Dies if Health reaches 0%
  • Big Fish – is a Temperament that any fish can have. It’s definitely uncommon but I’m not sure how rare.
    • nb-if you use a net to catch a fish with the ‘Big Fish’ Temperament, both fish will have this temperament. I’ve seen a few people get confused as they caught a species for the first time with a net, and so assumed that as both had the trait ‘Big Fish’ was species specific. To be clear- it is not.

Temperate Fish

Point of Interest
Clown Fish
Hogsport Peninsula
Pool Fool
Funny – for a fish, anyway. Entertaining to view
Flying Fish
Hogsport Peninsula
See Food diet
Eats more than you’d expect – or hope. Increases food dispenser decay rate
Floating Fish
Hogsport Peninsula
Outer Shell
Protects themselves from being eaten with a hard or pointy perimeter
Water Dragon
Gulfweed Grove
Ocean View
A fine looking fish, evocative of the sea. Boost environment
Gulfweed Grove
See Food diet
Eats more than you’d expect – or hope. Increases food dispenser decay rate
Painted Portside Fish
Tide Mountain/Ravenous Caverns
Muddy Water
Creates more mess than usual, putting strain on the aquariums water filter
Bull Shark
Tide Mountain
Will occasionally eat other smaller, fish. Careful where they live
Wetlantean Treasure Trove
Collectors Catch
A prized specimen sure to increase in value

Tropical Fish

Point of Interest
Star fish
Pebberley Reef
School Dinners
Finds food on their own, no dispenser required. They’re brown-bagging it
Flambouyant Fish
Pebberley Reef
Ocean View
A fine looking fish, evocative of the sea. Boost environment
Lionhead Fish
Marina Junction
Will occasionally eat other smaller, fish. Careful where they live
Hermit Turtle
Marina Junction
Outer Shell
Protects themselves from being eaten with a hard or pointy perimeter
Tiger Shark
Murky Middlesea
Dreading Water
So frightening you’ll run from the water. Mild impact on toilet comfort
Will occasionally eat other smaller, fish. Careful where they live
Spectrum Surgeon
Soggy Grotto
Collectors Catch
A prized specimen sure to increase in value
Delicacy Deposit
Occasionally produces rainbow caviar, that can be collected and sold by staff
Volcanic Springs
Food Grade
Sale Price does not reduce when dead
Coldwater Fish
Point of Interest
Nigiri fish Coldwater Fish
Numb Drop
Food Grade
Sale Price does not reduce when dead
Wet Wiper Coldwater Fish
Numb Drop
Scum sucker
Helps clean the aquarium, providing additional filter power
School Dinners
Finds food on their own, no dispenser required. They’re brown-bagging it
Spider crab Coldwater Fish
Coldspot Cave/Wetlanteans Wilderness
Muddy Water
Creates more mess than usual, putting strain on the aquariums water filter
Leopard Shark
Coldspot Cave
Dreading Water
So frightening you’ll run from the water. Mild impact on toilet comfort
Will occasionally eat other smaller, fish. Careful where they live
Sleight Whale
Wetlantean Underwater
Monoculture (requirement, not trait)
Wants to be kept exclusively with fish of the same species
Collectors Catch
A prized specimen sure to increase in value
Beach Owl
Gelatinous Gorge
School Dinners
Finds food on their own, no dispenser required. They’re brown-bagging it
Gelatinous Gorge
School Dinners
Finds food on their own, no dispenser required. They’re brown-bagging it
Find a Frozen one in Darkest Depths and allow to melt – as soon as it does pick it up, as they die quickly without water
Dreading Water
So frightening you’ll run from the water. Mild impact on toilet comfort
Will occasionally eat other smaller, fish. Careful where they live
Swim Reaper
Darkest Depths/Grave Shallows(Netherworld)
Monoculture (requirement, not trait)
Wants to be kept exclusively with fish of the same species
Dreading Water
So frightening you’ll run from the water. Mild impact on toilet comfort
Sea Monsters
Point of Interest
Murky Middlesea
Battery Drain
Decreases the energy of staff who enter their aquarium
Scribble Squid
Wetlanteans Wilderness
Inky Blackout
Decreases the energy of staff who enter their aquarium
Lagoonian Creature
Ravenous Caverns
Slippery (instead of Mortal)
Escapes Aquarium when Health equals 0
Creature Cry
Decreases the happiness of junior staff who enter their aquarium

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