Once Human: All Crates Locations

Welcome to the Once Human Crates Locations. This guide aims to illuminate your path through the game by providing detailed information on the locations of Weapon, Armor, and Mystical crates.


All Crates Locations

Each location holds the potential for discovery. From the eerie silence of the Wild Dog Isle Outpost to the bustling Harborside, every corner of the map is teeming with opportunities to find the crates that will enhance your arsenal and defenses.

Wild Dog Isle Outpost


Sunbury Middle School



Gaia Research Center Ruins

Sutherland Chemical Plant

Hearst Industries

High Banks

Gaia Cliff Monolith Danger Zone

Eastern Railway Junction

Overlook Town

Sutherland Family Orchard


Rotten Manor

Citrus County

Monolith of Greed

Dayton Hospital


Coastside Plaza


Ricci Sucrement Point


Refinery Pollution Plant

East Blackfell Junction

Mirage Monolith


Greywater Industrial Zone

Silverbeach Village

Rotten Saddle

Gaia Military Base

Holt Town

Monolith Of Thirst

Furnace Lair

Greenlake Hill

Alpha Institute

Evergreen Vineyard

Fort Eyrie


Blackfell Oil Fields

Alternative Reality Research Institute

Blackfell Fallen Zone

73 Source Extraction Point

Forsaken Monolith

Sunshine Farm

White Cliff

All images belong to Mikeeelele

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