This guide highlights the missable achievements that would require a second playthrough if not collected. It is as minimalist as possible to allow for self-exploration. I felt it wasn’t justified to do a second run, especially since there isn’t much to do after the first playthrough.
Missable definition
Fight Through Hardship

Play the game in Standard Mode.
Repurposed & You Bastard

When you reach your first Shanhai 9000 (Not your one that you repair) DON’T interact with him. Go to the nearest save point, and save your game.
Then navigate to “C:\Users\Username\AppData\LocalLow\RedCandleGames” and create a copy of the whole NineSols folder.
Go to the Shanhai 9000, pull out the map data by force, get the Achievement and quit out of the game. Then replace your save folder with your backup and reload the last save point.
Now go again to the Shanhai 9000 and this time pay him the Jin request. For the remainder of the game never aquire a map data chip with force again, always give them the Jin requested. Regularly interact with Shuanshuan and give him any items you come across. At some point, rather late in the game, Shuanshuan will have the fortune teller machine crafted.
Fight Dirty

Robo Fight!

In the Empyrean District (Passages), before heading towards the middle, go to the upper right and find the robot behind a door. Use your Mystic Nymph to unlock the door. Afterwards, proceed to the middle of the map where you’ll encounter a mini-boss. Fight the mini-boss with the unlocked robot.