This ENG version of my guide is “How to Beat Millenis”. This guide will be shorter than the original cause I have an issue with eng.
Ichor – divine drink!

and choose this option

This effect will revive you with 100% HP, BUT after this, you won’t be able to heal in a battle upon your second death. But you still can heal on the map or from inventory ( between battles).
I will kill you for Boethia!.. Wait, it’s the wrong game!
For this, you must die from Millenis.
After death, you need to go right here
After this agreed to ritaul with this man
Little advice – in Ritual better choose the “Stab the leg” to garante successful ritual. After this, you must ask about Death Idol and in the next run go to Idol with Ally ( btw, Idol riiiight her )
Where you can get Ally? Well… You just need to go to the bandit camp
After this choice “Come up to the cage”
And, after this buying poor soul ( actually, you can get 2 other “friends to the coffin” in different way, but it’s hard, so it just better buy the slave ).
So, what next? Now we need to go to the Death idol and kill your friend ( for a glory mission, of course – you are a not villian and hearless maniac… Or?.. )
After this we will get a pretty nice buff, but don’t spend this cute stuff – this will be work once per run, so… Dont die!
It’s just an acid… Very painful, burning acid…
First of all, you need to find the stranger with a funny hat From Team Fortress 2 with love and ask about the elixir of invulnerability ( if what, you can find this funny man right here ( you need to go from Crimson Steppes )

After that, we get the option – only for 300 golds ( per 1 use ) he will spend the rumors on how to get second life ( he will tell about: ichor, golem, idol and … ARMOR OF RESURECTION! ) per 1 use.
How to get this good stuff? WELL…
You need to go in Crimson Steppes to Caravan

After this, we had to pay 200 gold for info about man, who tried to sell this armor to orcs, and, to prove that this armor works, he went to the Worm’s cave ( funny fact – we already passed this place )

And now listen carefully! You need kill the eggs by 1 hit ( or wait their hatching ). After this, you must kill 2 of 3 worms ( it’s mean, you can get 1 eggs, which will get 1 “Ward” until the end of the run after eating ( and healing 20% HP )) and after this you must kill ( twice ) their BIG MOMMY

So, what now? Well, now, if you wear this armor, you will start with 10 acids in every battle ( and Ward didnt block this effect ), but! This armor will resurect you with 50% 1 time per … BATTLE! That means, you can die in every battle, but armor still works vs Millenis! And yes, you can use an elixir of purification vs acid.
– You can’t defeat me! – I know, but HE can
This is a most harder way to beat Millenis, but the most interesting!
First – you must die ( ye-ye, again ) at least 1 time from Millenis
So, get ready!
1 – You must go to the Bandit camp and joise “sit down by the fire”
This will help you hear about Golem, so 1 of the triggers activated!
2 – Now go to the Crimsons Steppes and go to the Shaman
When we came to this place, we need… Smoke peace pipe, and after a short dialogue we will active second trigger and opportunity make Shaman’s event better for us, but hold yours socks – we are not done yet!
3 – So… Now we need to go right to Demonic Blacksmith and asking about… something special
LITTLE ATTENTION – I have old save, so, some triggers little broken – for you, my dear readers, everything must be fine ( it’s about event’s icon )
For something special Blacksmith require legendary items like… yea! Golem’s core!
Now, we have 2 wave to get this stuff – we can use a password OR detroy the Golem.
IF we chose to fight
– 1 – We need to eat 4 times the ghostly muschroom in event with same name! This will kill you, BUT! – after death you will have a 3 Instability throughout the entire run!
– 2 – Find the golem right behind our tomb
– 3 – Go to fight with Golem – this buff will help you still alive after his first hit 150×2
– 4 – Loot his Core
– 5 – Deliver this core to Demonic Blacksmith
IF we choose use a password
– 1 – You must visit the Golem and hear from her about the password ( your death it’s optional )
– 2 – Go to this point
– 3 – And after this you need to help Scout to kill Dwarf’s general
– 4 – After winning, you will get a password
Warning 2.0 – Probably, if you didn’t get password, you must make some additional steps ( cause game triggers and bla-bla-bla, okey?
1 – Go to this pretty place
2 – Meeting with 3 dwarf with your loot. Wait… Why i writed “your loot?” Cause deadmans won’t have any reason to keep their treasure!
3 – After short battle, you will get: chest with a loot!; + to karma; +ability to find some % additional gold on Persival without limits of time or run… Yes, you will get this ability FOREVER ( on normal difficulity level you will always if you find, ofc receive 100 golds) and, most importantly – letter, that will help active trigger at Scout’s event.
Okay, we get the password, what next?
We go to the golem and choose “Enter password”
Choising the bottom right variant
And choosing to turn off
So… Why did we make all that? For armor… Very… VERY good armor, and i will show you… TADAM!!
Cool, yeah? This is very powerful stuff, so, just remind you – do not forget to wear this beast before the fight with Millenis!