Every location to hide and how to beat them. Also, maps to show how each difficulty changes the locations
For each place to count, you have to be in chase by The Creature. In higher difficulties, you can’t be seen entering a hiding spot or else you will die. Safest way to start a chase is to be in the room next to the place you want to hide. Wait until you hear knocking from a door or you see The Creature enter the room. Head over to the room you want to hide in and hide in the object. Then, whatever place you’re using to hide, the following will teach you how to beat them.
Also, the locations I show aren’t the only locations to hide, you just have to hide in each type of hiding spot (i.e. Cabinet, Under the table, etc.)

The cabinet is very simple. The Creature will enter from either side, the side The Creature enters from will be the side it checks first, so make to lean opposite of it. It will comeback again, so follow the rules set with how the previous went.


This minigame requires you to swat the spiders by pressing keys. Luckily the 4 keys that you have to press are “a,” “s,” “d,” and “f.” The harder the difficulty you’re on, the faster they descend. Also, if you misclick, you still have a chance to recover. However, if a spider reaches the bottom of the scream, Oswald will gasp and die.

When The Creature looks under the table, you have to press “f” to shine your flashlight at it to stun it.
Be ready when you go under the table, because this happens fast. There is also a chance The Creature walks by. If this happens, the game still counts you as beating the minigame, so it will count towards the achievement.


The vent is similar to the chest as you have to swat spiders. Same rules apply as well.

Kitchen Cabinet

As far as I am aware, this is the only place where you can hide.
This spot is breathing orientated. The Creature will come from the left and look into the cabinet. Right before it starts looking in
(like this)

Hold space to hold in your breath.
When it can detect you is right when it’s up against the door
(like this)

Right as you run out of air, it will walk away before coming again to do it again. Follow the procedure as before and you’ve successfully hid.
Golden Freddy

Golden Freddy is similar to the smaller cabinet in the kitchen, but the timing is different.
This is how you are going to what to do this
It’ll start by walking by, but right before it turns to look at you
(like this)

you’ll want to start holding your breath
MAKE SURE that you don’t let your lungs to lose all of their air. If that happens, Oswald will take a bigger breath than if they didn’t lose all of their air and will die.
It will be close, but stick to it.

Under the bed (Oswald’s Room)

This one is the easiest to forget to get. When under the bed, toys will start to roll out from under the bed. There will be a timer present to tell you how much time you have. Press the key the corresponds with the toy and boom, easy.


The entering animation for Golden is slower when entered from the right. Enter from the left
Also, the Vent 2 basement exit doesn’t open until the night after you open up the kitchen

Moving the ladder is gonna SUCK. So, try tap-walking with the ladder. It doesn’t create noise when moving the ladder, just make sure The Creature is on the bottom-left of the map before attempting to move the ladder into the basement.
Just like before, the Vent 2 exit doesn’t open unitl the night after you unlock the kitchen. Early game is going to be rough, so don’t get caught in any dead zones. Turning on power in the backstage is a death sentence if you plan on sticking around in the old world. Jumping into the ballpit is always a safe option

Oswald’s Room is one of two hiding spots. I would suggest using tap-walking when using the ladder. Best strategy is to not get spotted to begin with, or else you’ll be playing roulette with The Creature.
You only lose one table, but that one table is a necessity. Turning on power will require you to go into the ballpit before you open up the kitchen.