Guidance for obtaining 100% achievements!

Hollowbody is an atmospheric survial horror game featuring 20 Steam achievements.
First Playthrough – Reunion Ending, Collectibles & Weapons
- Play on Intended difficulty.
- Do not save the Wounded Stranger on the roof of the apartment building.
- Find all collectibles (including the missable ‘Record of Events’) and obtain all weapons.
Second Playthrough – Riven Ending
- Play on Punished difficulty.
- Save the Wounded Stranger on the roof of the apartment building.
- Optional: Complete the game without using more than three healing items.
Optional Third Playthrough – Secret Doggo Ending
- Play on Punished difficulty.
- Complete the game without using more than three healing items.
You can avoid a third playthrough if you combine the Riven and Doggo endings: first, reach the final boss area without using more than three health items on Punished difficulty to unlock the Doggo ending. Then, load the last autosave and use some of the healing items scattered across the boss area to unlock the Riven ending. However, it might be easier to do the Doggo ending on a separate playthrough since you will unlock the Scissor Blade – a powerful melee weapon – after completing the game on Punished difficulty for the first time.

Finish the game on any difficulty.
⋗︎ Endings

Obtain the Reunion ending.
Obtain the Riven ending.
The game features two normal (Reunion and Riven) and one secret (Doggo) endings.
The normal endings depend on the outcome of the conversation with the Wounded Stranger on the roof of the apartment building. If you try to call Tax or answer the radio call, the Wounded Stranger will jump off the roof, leading to the Reunion ending. If you don’t try to call Tax and ignore the radio call, the Wounded Stranger will follow you until the end of the game (enemies cannot kill him), leading to the Riven ending.
The secret Doggo ending can only be unlocked on Punished difficulty, which will be available after completing the game on Intended difficulty. If you beat the game on Punished difficulty without using more than three healing items (including the Repair Spray at the beginning), you will find after crawling through the hole in the final boss area. Please refer to the next section for tips about playing on Punished difficulty.
The Doggo ending does not depend on any of the normal endings.

Finish the game on Intended difficulty.
Finish the game on Punished difficulty.
There are two achievements for completing the game on certain difficulty levels. To unlock both, you must complete the game twice: once on Intended difficulty (available from the start), and once on Punished difficulty (highest difficulty, available after completing the game on Intended difficulty). There is no specific achievement for completing the game on Casual difficulty.
Completing the game on any difficulty will unlock Dungeon Crawl mode and Big Head mode for New Game+. Completing the game on Punished difficulty will unlock the Scissor Blade – an extremely powerful melee weapon – for New Game+.
Tips for playing on Punished difficulty without focusing on any ending:
- The final boss is the only enemy that must be defeated; all others are (theoretically) optional.
- Always fight enemies one by one. If necessary, try to lure them away from other enemies!
- Regularly save the game and remember that loading a save file will reset enemy positions.
- Save as much ammo as possible for the sewers (most difficult area) and the station.
- Don’t forget to set the corpses of defeated enemies on fire. Otherwise, they will respawn.
- There’s no need to collect any optional weapon other than the shotgun.
- If you must use a melee weapon, wait for the enemy attack, then doge, strike, and repeat.
Additional tips for playing on Punished difficulty while focusing on the secret Doggo ending:
- Don’t use more than three healing items. Save one for the sewers and one for the station.
- Shoot only big enemies. Use a melee weapon for normal enemies (Scissor Blade if unlocked).
- Don’t fight enemies in narrow passageways with many camera angles. Instead, lure them out.

Craft the Bow and Arrow.
Find and combine the wooden bow and the quiver of arrows to unlock the achievement.
The quiver of arrows can be found shortly after leaving the apartment building; in an archery range between house number 34 and house number 36 on the main street leading to the park:
The wooden bow can be found at the fountain in the park, next to the remains of Erin Marlowe:
Obtain the shotgun.
The shotgun can be found on the altar in the chapel:
Cooking on Gas
Obtain the flamethrower.
The flamethrower can be found on the dining table in apartment 0.14. Since the apartment door cannot be opened with the master keycard, some backtracking is required.
After obtaining the pack of fuses in the Star shop, backtrack to the apartment building. Use one of the fuses to open the closed shutter, then enter apartment 2.14 and use the makeshift hook on the hole on the floor to get the key to apartment 0.14:

Find a record of events.
This achievement is missable and requires some backtracking. First, ensure you do not save the Wounded Stranger on the roof of the apartment building (answer the radio call). Progress until you reach the Star shop and pick up a pack of fuses. Then, backtrack to the apartment building, use one of the fuses to open the closed shutter, exit the building through the window to the parking lot, and locate the dead body of the Wounded Stranger to find a secret note:

Find all lost signals.
Find all written documents.
There are 34 collectibles scattered across the game: 8 Signals and 26 Documents. Since none of the collectibles carry over to New Game+, all must be collected in one playthrough. Fortunately, only one Document is missable (see section ‘Secret’), and collecting 25 Documents is sufficient for the achievement. If you save at the telephone booth in the subway station at the end of the game, you can backtrack to collect any of the 33 unmissable collectibles.
Both achievements unlock after viewing the Stats screen at the end of the game.
⋗︎ Apartment Building
Automatic story item.
Signal 1 – State Regulations
After watching the opening cutscene, pick up the Repair Spray and follow the path to the left:
Document 2 – Observation Report
Follow the main street and pass an old industrial mech and a street barricade:
Document 3 – Gater House Register
In the apartment building, on the shelf in front of the locked storage box:
Signal 2 – Occupational Hazard
In apartment 2.10:
Document 4 – Newspaper Article – Nov 16
In apartment 2.11 (no sign; opposite of apartment 2.10):
Document 5 – Child’s Drawing – Bazilionr
In apartment 1.3 (no sign; apartment with the missile), next to the remains of Charlie Garewal:
Document 6 – Card Writer Note
Inside the locked storage box on the ground floor.
Document 7 – Noise Complaint
In apartment 0.5, next to the remains of Julian Goldenberg:
Document 8 – Diary Entry
In apartment 0.10, next to the remains of Coe Starr:
Document 9 – Notice to Tenants
After crawling through the shutter on the ground floor, in the first apartment on the left:
Document 10 – Future Wishes
In the apartment accessible after starting the fire, next to the remains of Hannes Winkler:
Signal 3 – High and Dry
In the apartment accessible after starting the fire, in the bathroom:
Document 11 – Electrician’s Note
Stuck on the wall next to the elevator:
⋗︎ Sewers
Shortly after leaving the apartment building, behind a street barricade:
Document 13 – Artist’s Note
On the street leading to the park, next to the remains of Jordan Little at house number 17:
Document 14 – Contamination Poster
At the bus stop in front of the park entrance (telephone booth):
Signal 4 – Guilty Conscience
At the human body dump in the middle of the park:
Signal 5 – A Spoon Full Of Sugar
After obtaining the digilock key, backtrack to house number 21 and enter the bedroom upstairs:
Document 15 – Newspaper Article – Colbolt Chronicle
After using the camcorder on the tripod in house number 21, enter house number 20:
Document 16 – Child’s Drawing – Waving Man
In the child’s room upstairs in house number 20:
Document 17 – Torn Note
In the sewers, near the Beating Heart and the remains of Stuart Mason, on a white box:
⋗︎ Subway Station
After leaving the sewers, in an alleyway near the telephone booth:
Signal 6 – Resident Upheaval
In the same alleyway as Document 18.
Document 19 – Prepper Note
After obtaining the pack of fuses in the Star shop, backtrack to the apartment building. Enter apartment 2.14 and use the hook on the hole on the floor to get the key to apartment 0.14:
Optional Document – Record of Events
Please refer to the ‘Secret’ section.
Document 20 – Newspaper Article – May 4
In the Star shop:
Document 21 – Discarded Letter
Immediately after leaving the Star shop through the shutter:
Signal 7 – Not For Grown-ups
Shortly after leaving the Star shop, at the playground:
Document 22 – Delay Notice
Stuck to a tree on the street leading to the subway station:
Document 23 – Employment Poster
Near the bus stop at the subway station entrance:
Document 24 – Maintenance Note
In the subway station, follow the path left of the telephone to a platform:
Signal 8 – This Station Is Non-Operational
In the subway station, follow the path right of the telephone to a platform:
Document 25 – Confidentiality Letter
In the women’s restroom near Signal 8: