How to get all achievements without dying.
In the office
Beat the mini game with 70+ hp to get your first achievement.
> Go down the hall and to the right is a Keurig. Make a cup of coffee. To the right of the coffee machine are small cups of creamer.
Add one of the creamers to your coffee for next achievement.
Moe’s Pizza
At the cabin
>Don’t put the food away yet when you arrive. Go outside to the backyard. There is a basketball board and hoop.
Ring the basketball.
Now put food away.
We fishin’

***Don’t sit down by your friend to fish. Stand in front of the bench and cast off into the water while standing up.***
You should catch a pike and get an achievement (might take a few tries). Go back to the shed and get the correct bait to catch carp (da cheese).
Feed the poor cat!

Don’t die
1. When Rick starts hitting the door knob with his hammer, run to the basement and hide in the nook under the stairs. You’ll hear a ‘woosh” noise to let you know it’s safe to run away.
2. When you’re going back upstairs, run to the closet upstairs in the room you were sleeping in.
3. When Rick leaves the room to go downstairs, (Again, you’ll hear a “woosh” when it’s safe to go.) grab the stool by the closet door and go into the attic. You will get a phone call and the intruder will run into the closet below you. Look down and you’ll see him.
You will hear your friends yell and get some texts and he will go away. Head downstairs and you’ll start to hear music. End of game.
Yay! You did it!
Should get the last two achievements if you followed the above and didn’t die.