A guide to help you get all 32 doppelgangers
(Doesn’t matter if you catch or let them in)
To Check who you’ve found: Main menu => Records => Posters
List of dopplegangers

There are 24 neighbours total and at least once each of their special conterpart is on the list
First 2.5 rows are neighbours in their flats’ order
f 01-01 => f 01-02 => … => f 02-01 => … => f 03-04
Roman (Villager)
- 6-Eyes
- 42 (galaxy)
Albertsky (Brother with moustache)
- Cyclops
- Brain
Angus (Purple suit)
- Hairy
- Long neck
Elenois (Yellow dress twin)
- Extra teeth
- Spaghetti arms
Selenne (Red dress twin)
- Giant teeth
- Wrapped head (Nurse)
Izaack (Reporter)
- Two nose
- Skull (Melting)
Anastacha (Student)
- Reptile eyes
- Zipper
- Skinless face (Titan)
Mia (Doc’s fiancée)
- Rotating head
- Snail eyes
Frances (Milkman)
- Long Ears
- Hoon man (Ghost)
Steven (Pilot)
- Paper face
- Brain
Rafttellyn (Alf’s wife)
- Hanging eye
- Hoon lady (Ghost)
Tips for easier search
With the intention of increasing the chance of finding “Wanted posters”, a doppelgänger has been added each day in campaign mode that will always be one with a “Wanted poster”. It will be one of today’s listed neighbours.
So before getting to this achievement play the game and complete all previous ones
While doing this you should be able to obtain at least 10 posters
To Check who you’ve found: Main menu => Records => Posters
- Run first level of compain mode; (only 6 characters)
- Scroll through until unique doppelganger pops-up
- Restart level: (<Esc> => go to main menu => new compain)
Tip: from the invitation list you could see who you could meet today
if you are not interested – restart level
- Run compain mode;
- Try to erase all the neighbours you don’t need (yourself or letting dopplegangers in their flats)
- Keep alive ones whose posters you want (some are really rare)
- By the day five you should be able to keep only needed 2-3 neighbours
- Later you should get to keeping only one
- Restart level 5 until you get the poster needed
!Don’t finish the Day 5 by mistake