This guide will provide a brief runthrough of all the unlockable content in the game (Races, Classes, etc.) and the most efficient method to unlock each.

I love the unlockable content in this game, but I think we can agree that some of it can be tedious or obtuse to acquire. How am I supposed to know that defeating a specific, very difficult boss unlocks a class, but only if I’ve found four randomly-dropped lore notes first? How am I supposed to know that I can unlock a new race by killing three specific demons in one game, one of which doesn’t always spawn and all three of which I am unlikely to encounter by accident? I’m not sure, but that’s what this guide is here for.
More than just how to unlock stuff, this guide is here to tell you how to unlock stuff efficiently – in the fastest and most painless way possible. If you don’t want to be spoiled and would rather unlock stuff organically, this might not be the guide for you, but if there’s a specific unlock that’s got you stumped, read on.
Important: Remember that for most of these unlocks you should be playing on at least normal difficulty. Easier difficulty doesn’t allow earning achievements, which many unlocks require.
Questions and comments appreciated. Please let me know if I missed anything!
Classes (Part 1)
Brawler (Warrior):
Very straightforward unlock. Simply find the Hidden Compound on the world map and fight your way to the bottom. Once there you’ll encounter a boss named the Blood Master, who will invite you to play a little “game.” Accept his offer (which costs 150 gold,) and win the fight to unlock the brawler. Be sure not to accidentally aggro the blood master first, though.
Marauder (Rogue):
This one is tricky. You have to get the achievement “Size Matters” by doing 600 damage in one hit as another rogue class. The trouble is, this has to be 600 damage in one INSTANCE, not in one overall attack. Moves which hit multiple times, such as flurry, or which add additional damage, such as shadow combat, will not work. Since rogues specialize in these types of moves, this makes getting the achievement difficult. In fact, even the rogue’s default dual wielding is a hindrance toward this, since almost all of their moves will hit twice.
This achievement gets easier to unlock the further along you are, as you get higher levels and better weapons. You could play through the entire game hoping to get a voratun dagger of massacre to unlock this, but in my opinion there are two more convenient methods.
The first method is to play as a standard rogue and use marked for death under the assasination skill tree. Note that this tree requires level 10 and a category point to unlock, and you will need a target with over 1000 health in order for this to work. You will probably want the talent itself to be rank 5 for best results, which will require at least level 26.
The second method is to use the Shadowblade’s Shadow Ambush ability, under the Ambush tree. Again, this requires level 10 and a category point and should be rank 5 for best results. It will probably also need to either crit or hit a target weak to darkness damage to break the 600 threshold, however since this requires less setup and a bit less investment it’s my preferred method of the two. Ultimately though, it’s personal preference which you choose to go for.
Skirmisher (Rogue):
This one is pretty straightforward, but probably not one you’re likely to unlock by accident. You have to counter strike an enemy from at least 5 tiles away. Typically this will require a shield and sling (hence why it’s the unlock method for this shield and sling using class.)
The most straightforward method is to play as an archer, reach level 10, and spend a category point to take agile defense from the agility tree. Then, wait for a ranged enemy to attack you, use block (or just set the block talent to “auto use when enemies are visible” if you’re lazy,) and counter the enemy with the mark above its head. Remember that archers start with a sling and bullets in their off set in case you’re having trouble finding either.
Alternately, you can play as another shield using class, such as a bulwark, and purchase the shoot talent from a weapon store in Last Hope. Then, just do exactly the same as the above.
Archmage (Mage)
One of the most straightforward unlocks. Near the mountains to the west of the map is an apprentice mage who will offer you a quest to bring him a magic artifact (any artifact with “powered by arcane” in the description.) Do this, and the Archmage is unlocked. Easy.
Necromancer (Mage):
Arguably one of the more difficult unlocks, and rightfully so, as the necromancer is a very powerful class. First, you have to acquire all four pages of the lore note “How to be a Necromancer.” These randomly drop, and are fairly rare to boot, to the point that you’ll probably take multiple games to find them all. The good news is that once you’ve found all four, you can use the archive in the Sher’Tul Fortress to reacquire them all on any character afterward.
Once you have all for pages, you must then fight the necromancer, Celia. Remember: you must have all four pages in your inventory before the fight starts. Celia can be found in the graveyard east of Last Hope. Talk to the alchemist in Last Hope and accept his quest to unlock this location. He is in the locked house in the southeast corner of the town.
Celia is a very difficult boss. She does massive damage, even for a necromancer, rapidly debilitates you with tons of status effects, and summons huge numbers of undead minions. Plus, her arena is very cramped, making it hard to avoid her aoes. And, once you aggro her the stairs out disappear, meaning you can only challange her once per character if you flee. To give yourself the best odds of winning the fight, do the following:
Try to be at least level 25 before attempting the fight to unlock your first prodigy. Raise your dark resistance, and optionally your cold resistance, as high as you can before the fight. Always open every coffin outside before the fight, otherwise they will open during the fight, spawning additional mobs. As a rule of thumb, if the mobs inside the coffins give you any trouble, you probably aren’t ready to fight Celia. If worst comes to worst, you can always come back after you’ve cleared the far east segment and have endgame levels and gear. This will make the fight much easier.
Cursed (Afflicted):
Another very easy unlock. Once you are at least level 8, when wandering around the area north of Last Hope, you will occasionally be approached by a man asking for help. Accept, then enter the new area which appears near the forest. Here you will fight a boss named Ben Cruthdar. Ben isn’t too much trouble to beat, and when you beat him you’ll unlock the cursed class. Remember old Ben though, he will come in handy later.
Doomed (Afflicted):
This one is straightforward, but difficult. First, you must beat The Master and unlock the portal to the far east. Once there, you must find a “Dark Crypt” and make your way to the bottom. There’ you will fight a Rak’Shor cultist and a “Doomed Shade,” who is an exact replica of your character. The cultist is easy. The Doomed Shade on the other hand is absolutely ridiculous. Easily one of the hardest fights in the entire game, and unfortunately for you, it’s the shade, not the cultist, that triggers the unlock. The concern here is not necessarily that the shade will kill you, but that you will not be able to kill the shade. Since this is a fairly late game area, chances are you have fairly good defenses to have made it this far, which means your clone will too. In a worst case scenario you may find yourself in a situation where neither of you can kill each other, softlocking yourself. To avoid this, and generally make the fight easier, try the following:
Enter the boss room wearing intentionally bad gear. The boss will not switch gear once spawned, so then just switch back to your better gear once it has to give yourself an advantage. Enter the room with some unspent skill points or even an unspent prodigy to deprive your clone of it. Enter the room, warp out with the rod of recall, gain some more levels and return later to have a stat advantage.
Classes (Part 2)
Trivial, but grindy. Just kill 1000 human enemies, over any number of games, to earn the achievement and unlock the class. This will probably take multiple games to unlock. Focusing on dungeons with a lot of human enemies, such as Rhaloren Camp or The Maze, can help unlock this a little faster. If you’re really heartless, you can kill all the enslaved humans in the hidden compound to unlock this faster. Just the sort of nasty thing a defiler would do!
Corrupter (Defiler):
Another one in the “straightforward but can be difficult” category. To get this, you must defeat, but not kill, the Grand Corruptor as a magic using character. The Grand Corrupter can be found in the Spellblaze Scar dungeon, which is in the burnt looking bit of terrain at the south end of the map.
The Grand Corrupter is a difficult boss with very high burst damage, as are most corrupter enemies. Admit it, you’ve been oneshot by that damn blood wave spell at least once, and the Grand Corrupter has all that and more. To make the fight a little easier, try raising your blight resistance as high as you can, since most of his damage is blight. It would also be wise to come equipped with some method of curing diseases. As a spellcaster, some form of silence would also be useful.
Anorithil (Celestial):
This one is very easy, albeit it comes relatively late in the game. Once you go through the portal as part of normal story progression, you will encounter a woman named Fillarel fighting an orc named Krogar. Kill Krogar before he kills Fillarel and you will unlock the class.
Sun Paladin(Celestial):
Another straightforward but fairly late game class, like its cousin the Anorithil. Once you go through the portal and exit the cave, go to the town Gates of Morning, in the mountains. There, you will find a woman dressed in blue who will ask for your help. Complete her quest and save her husband, who happens to be a Sun Paladin, from the nearby dungeon to unlock the class.
Summoner (Wilder):
This class practically unlocks itself. All you have to do is see an enemy use the summon ability (the natural enemy ability, not the summoner class talents). Typically, a honey tree summoning bees will be the first opportunity to unlock this, which happen to be fairly common in many early dungeons, including trollmire, the starting dungeon for most races. In any case you will unlock this without trying very quickly.
Wyrmic (Wilder):
Another easy one. Just do the Sandworm Lair dungeon, Kill the Sandworm Queen, and eat her heart. This happens as part of natural story progression and you should do it anyway because it gives you some nice free stat boosts. Note that while you can corrupt the heart on the Grand Corruptor’s altar as hinted at in its description, this won’t unlock the class, presumably because it’s not nature-infused anymore.
Note that the Wyrmic uniquely has two bonus skill trees which it can unlock. More on that in the “Other” section.
This is one of “The Three,” or “The Four” if you have the forbidden cults DLC. Each game, one dungeon of the following is selected to spawn: Sludgenest, Dogroth Caldera, Old Conclave Vault, or, with forbidden cults, Scourged Pits. Each has an unlock tied to it, meaning you’ll have to make at least 4 different characters to get them all.
This particular unlock is tied to the Sludgenest. If it was chosen to spawn, you will receive a message mentioning a forest at level 30. If you get that message, head to the northeast corner of the map, in the snowy area beyond the mountains, and enter the dungeon which has spawned there.
This is a slime themed dungeon. The first level is fairly straightforward, but the levels after that constantly spawn slimes from the walls, so you must proceed quickly and may have to ignore killing them all. Once you beat the boss, you will unlock Oozemancer.
Stone Warden
A dwarf-exclusive class with a somewhat obtuse unlock method that you’ll almost certainly never stumble across in normal gameplay. To unlock this class, you must have at least 10 talent levels in spell talents and 10 talent levels in wild gift talents.
There is basically only one practical way to unlock this, and it requires going out of your way to do it. First, make a dwarf mage character (I recommend an alchemist since they can easily spare generic points.) Then, complete the Sandworm Lair, kill the boss, and get the heart of the sandworm queen. Eat the heart to unlock Wild Gift: Harmony, and put 10 generic points into that. You would never normally do this, and it’s a pretty crap build for a character, but alas.
Temporal Warden (Chronomancer):
Yet another for the “straightforward but can be tricky” list. On the third floor of Daikara, which you will enter as part of natural story progression, you may find a weird yellow portal on the floor labled “temporal rift.” simply enter the portal, clear the dungeon, and beat the boss to unlock the Warden.
The trickiest part of this zone is the first area. The enemies here teleport frequently, and there is a significant zone-wide movement speed penalty. That means this zone is difficult without ranged attacks or at least some form of dash or teleport. After this, you’ll fight a warped version of Ben Cruthdar (hi again, Ben), and then a warped version of the Dragon boss of Daikara. Finally, you’ll enter a warped version of the Lake of Nur, where you’ll fight the real boss, the chronolith twins. These are a very difficult pair of foes with the ability to dispel your sustains, teleport, and do large amounts of AoE damage. If you have anything with temporal resistance on it, it would be helpful here.
Paradox Mage (Chronomancer):
To unlock the paradox mage, you should kill yourself, now!
This unlock is slightly unusual in that it requires you to unlock the Temporal Warden first, then play as one. Go the the place in Daikara where you would normally find the temporal rift. Instead, you will find a time-displaced copy of yourself. Simply let the copy kill you and he will create a paradox, opening the temporal rift and unlocking the paradox mage. Note that if you kill the copy first, you won’t get the unlock – but the copy is super overpowered by virtue of being a temporal warden, so there’s a good chance you’ll lose to it even if you weren’t trying to.
Classes (Part 3)
This one is surprisingly tricky, and not at all straightforward. First, you must have unlocked the Yeek race (see the races section below.) Next, you must save the captured Yeek Wayist from Subject Z in the Ruined Halfling Complex while playing as a yeek. However, this is much harder than it sounds.
Unlike other races, yeeks start on an isolated island, and must actually pass through the ruined halfling complex in their early game to reach the mainland. Normally when you do this, the captured wayist will offer to teleport you to safety, skipping the boss fight with subject Z. However, if you do this, he dies, and you forfeit the unlock for that run. You must actually stay and fight Subject Z to get the unlock – AND you must keep the wayist alive. In addition to this, because you are playing as a Yeek, you have very low starting hp, making your early game even more difficult.
The trick, then, is to find a way to come back when you are more powerful and defeating subject Z is more doable. To do this, you must enter the ruined halfling complex then IMMEDIATELY activate your rod of recall. This will take you to the mainland without aggroing Subject Z, so that you can later return to kill him safely. remember to stay in place while the rod counts down, or you risk aggroing him. If you aggro him, it is to late. He will kill the wayist, and you will have to try again.
You should be as high level as you can when you come back to fight Subject Z, and it would help to either have some way of drawing his aggro or moving the wayist to safety. Subject Z is very aggressive, and has a tendency to aggro on the wayist first. If the wayist dies, all your work will have been for nothing.
Solipsist (Psionic):
This is one of “The Three,” or “The Four” if you have the forbidden cults DLC. Each game, one dungeon of the following is selected to spawn: Sludgenest, Dogroth Caldera, Old Conclave Vault, or, with forbidden cults, Scourged Pits. Each has an unlock tied to it, meaning you’ll have to make at least 4 different characters to get them all.
This one is tied to Dogroth Caldera. If you have not yet unlocked the Solipsist class, you can force it to be the chosen dungeon for that run by playing as a Yeek. Otherwise, it is random. You will not know if Dogroth caldera was chosen to spawn until you reach level 20, in which case the next time you enter the world map you will receive the message “You feel a strong tremor in the ground for a few seconds and it disappears…” The caldera will then spawn in the mountain range at the southern end of the map.
When you first enter the Caldera, a timer will begin to count down every turn. Don’t panic! When the timer hits 0, your character will fall asleep and enter a dream sequence. There are two possible dream sequences your character may enter. If you die in the dream, you will not die in real life, but you will be reduced to low hp. This can be dangerous, but as long as there were no monsters near you when you fell asleep you can just rest and heal back up. So, rather than rushing to beat the timer, it’s better to move slowly and ensure the path ahead is safe.
To unlock the Solipsist, you must complete both of these dream sequences successfully. Dying in the dream does not count, nor does completing only one, even if you do it more than once. While you can unlock them from the moment you set foot in the zone by waiting around, it might be more efficient to complete the dungeon and then use the magic orb – see below.
There are two zones in the dungeon. The first is a long winding tunnel with a timer of 300 turns before you fall asleep. The second, the caldera, has a timer of only 50. Special care should be taken in this second area, as it’s small, densely populated, and contains the area boss. However, once the boss is killed, the timer disappears, and you don’t have to worry about the dream sequences anymore. Instead, you can use the orb behind where the boss was standing to access a safe version of the dreams. They won’t hurt you if you fail, and you can access them as much as you want.
In the first dream, you are a “lost man” searching for you wife. She is hidden among the ordinary looking npcs scattered around the map. There is no way to know which one is her until you talk to them. Talking to the wrong one, and it will turn into a monster, who you must kill. Talk to the right one, and… it will also turn into a monster, who you must kill. Once you have killed your monster-wife, the dream is considered complete. Your character is puny, and the monster-wife is powerful, but you can use the glowing stone pillars scattered around the map to heal – but only once each, so be careful.
In the second dream, you are a child, hidden on the moon, piloting a Warframe
In the second dream, you are a mouse on the run from cats. The cats are fast, and will kill you quickly if they catch you. You cannot fight back, but are given some abilities to help you escape- a stealth ability, a blink-like jump, and an ability that gives you 100% evasion briefly. Unfortunately even with these the cats have a way of finding you and killing you, making this by far the harder of the two dreams.
The exit is in the bottom right of the map. “mouse holes” in the wall can be used to pass through the wall. Cats can’t use these, giving you a possible means of escape, assuming there isn’t another cat waiting on the other side, which there usually is. Reach the exit, and the dream is complete.
Pro tip: your mouse comes with 3 unassigned stat points. Putting these in CON will more than double your hit points, allowing you to take a whole 1 more hit from a cat without dying!
When both dreams are complete, the solipsist is unlocked. Difficult, but well worth the effort.
Adventurer (Adventurer):
To unlock the Adventurer class, “Simply” beat the game – either the main campaign or embers of rage will count, but the arena will not. It is a bonus class which has almost every skill tree in the game available, albeit all locked. It is a “bonus class” not meant for serious playthroughs.
Wanderer (Adventurer):
To unlock the wanderer, you must defeat Ukruk the Fierce, the ork who ambushes you after you defeat the master. This roughly marks the halfway point of the game.
Ukruk is a tough fight, an elite boss with a lot of backup, but he’s nothing compared to The Master. If you were able to defeat the master Ukruk shouldn’t give you too much trouble.
The wanderer has random skill trees, and gains more as they level up. Like the adventurer, it is a “bonus class” not meant for serious playthroughs.
DLC Classes
This one is quite odd. To unlock it you must either be playing as either a Doombringer class or a Doomelf race, which is itself a locked race, so Doombringer is probably the better choice here. Then, once you reach level 18, there will be a small chance each time you use the rod of recall that you will be forcibly teleported to the Anteroom of Agony, a dungeon which can only be reached this way. Proceed through this dungeon normally until you encounter the boss, Rogroth, Eater of Souls. Kill something near Rogroth and he will revive it as a demon husk. If your character sees this happen you will unlock the Demonologist Class.
All Tinker Classes [Embers of Rage DLC]
Tinker classes are initially exclusive to embers of rage. To unlock them in the main campaign, you must defeat the boss Outpost Leader John with any two DIFFERENT tinker classes. Since John is a mandatory story boss, this shouldn’t be too difficult. Most likely you will do this with the gunslinger and sawbutcher, since the other two tinker classes can only be unlocked after john is beaten, but any two classes will work.
Psyshot (Tinker) [Embers of Rage DLC]
To unlock the Psyshot, you must offer a piece of Yeti tissue to the Psi-Machine in the Ruins of a Lost City dungeon.
This dungeon can be very difficult if you get unlucky with monster spawns. The type of monsters you encounter are completely random, and can include things like dragons and horrors. And of course, the machine itself is located at the very bottom. Fortunately, by the time you get there you should probably already have a piece of Yeti tissue in your inventory from doing the Yeti cave dungeon earlier, meaning you can unlock the class straight away. This machine also gives you useful bonuses akin to the main game’s escort quests so you’ll want to use it whenever you’re able to.
Annihilator (Tinker) [Embers of Rage DLC]
The unlock requirements for this class sound intimidating but are actually pretty easy. To unlock it, you must, as a tinker, defeat a mecharachnid flame thrower, a greater hethugoroth, and an automated defense system. The catch? All three of those are located in the exact same dungeon, the steam quarry.
The steam quarry is a fairly high level dungeon, which you will eventually have to go to as part of the main quest of Embers of Rage. However, you can do it sooner if you’re strong enough.
Cultist of Entropy (Demented) [Forbidden Cults DLC]
Unlocking the Cultist of Entropy is much heavier on rng than most other classes, perhaps fitting given that they are an insanity-themed class.
The most difficult part of unlocking the cultist is finding the item “Forbidden Tome: The Day it Came.” This item is a tier 3 unique artifact, and can be acquired from anywhere tier 3 unique artifacts can be found. However, like all artifacts, this is heavily dependent on rng, and you could go multiple games without seeing it if you’re unlucky.
Once you have it though, the rest of the unlock is pretty easy. Simply use the book and you will be shown a vision of how an otherworldly being taught the first mortals to use entropy magic. Perform all the tasks it gives you successfully and the class will be unlocked. Note that some of the objectives for this little mini-quest are a little janky and it may take a few tries to get them to update, but you can retry as many times as you need to.
Yeeks are one of the weirder races in the game, with ultra-low hp but very good racials, very high mindpower-related stats, and the only race in the game with an xp bonus.
To unlock yeeks, you must save the Yeek Wayist from Subject Z at the end of the Ruined Halfling Complex dungeon. This dungeon can be found hidden in the mountains in the south end of the map.
The difficult part here is not defeating Subject Z, but saving the Wayist. Subject Z is very aggressive, and will usually target the Wayist immediately as soon as you enter his boss room. The wayist, like all Yeeks, has very low HP and will die quickly if Subject Z is not dealt with. It would help to have some method of holding Subject Z’s aggro, move the wayist to safety, or otherwise protect him from harm. High dps is also needed to kill Subject Z quickly. If the Wayist dies, you have missed out on the unlock for that run.
Uniquely, there is one race who cannot get this unlock. If you defeat Subject Z as a halfling, the wayist will refuse to speak to you, making the unlock impossible. It is the ruined halfling complex, after all.
Ogre: (Giant)
This is one of “The Three,” or “The Four” if you have the forbidden cults DLC. Each game, one dungeon of the following is selected to spawn: Sludgenest, Dogroth Caldera, Old Conclave Vault, or, with forbidden cults, Scourged Pits. Each has an unlock tied to it, meaning you’ll have to make at least 4 different characters to get them all.
This particular race is tied to the Old Conclave Vault. Unlike the other three locations which randomly appear once you reach a certain level, getting this one to appear is a bit more involved. If this dungeon was the one chosen to spawn – which can be guaranteed if you choose to play as a Shalore and have not unlocked Ogres yet, but otherwise is random – then a new boss enemy named director Hompalan will spawn inside the ruined halfling complex. When you defeat him, he will drop a note which reveals the location of the old conclave vault. The vault itself, however, is fairly straightforward. Defeat the area boss, Healer Astelrid, and you will unlock Ogres.
Ghoul (Undead):
To unlock ghouls, “simply” defeat the master. The master is a mandatory story boss, meaning you will unlock them sooner or later. However, he also happens to be one of the hardest fights in the game, meaning it may take many attempts to beat him.
The first time you beat him, you will unlock either skeletons or ghouls, chosen randomly. The second time, you will unlock the other.
Skeleton (Undead):
To unlock skeletons, “simply” defeat the master. The master is a mandatory story boss, meaning you will unlock them sooner or later. However, he also happens to be one of the hardest fights in the game, meaning it may take many attempts to beat him.
The first time you beat him, you will unlock either skeletons or ghouls, chosen randomly. The second time, you will unlock the other.
DLC Races
This unlock is absolutely insane. One of the most obtuse and unintuitive unlocks I have ever seen. No normal human being could ever possibly be expected to figure it out without looking it up. Hence, this guide.
You are given the following hint to help you unlock this race:
The demons of Mal’Rok would never bless you! Three could tell them of the horrors elves wrought.
One rages and torments in deep oceans blue, one fights for the third with the cultists she taught.
Silence these beings, maintain your deception, and then you may witness a new elf’s conception…
So, let’s dissect what this means. The last line, “silence these beings […] witness a new elf’s conception” is pretty clear. You must find and kill three different demons to unlock the race. but which three? Three who could “tell them of the horrors elves wrought,” but what does that mean? Well, the “horrors elves wrought” refers to the Spellblaze, the event which first brought demons to Maj’Eyal. So, three demons who still remember the Spellblaze, basically. But which three could those be?
This is where it gets tricky. You see, not just one, but ALL THREE of these demons do not spawn randomly, and require you to take very specific, counter-intuitive actions to make them spawn. In short, even if you know which three demons to look for, you are unlikely to encounter them by accident, and certainly not all with the same character.
The first one “rages and torments in deep oceans blue.” Well, there are only two underwater dungeons in the game, so that narrows it down a bit. Specifically, he can be found in Flooded Cave, the underwater dungeon in the far east. Note that doing this dungeon will require some form of water breathing, throwing yet another wrench into things.
So, you enter the dungeon, and accept the quest from Ukllmswwik the Wise. You teleport through the portal he spawns, and clear out the new area. You can choose to side with either Ukllmswwik or Slasul, and usually you end up killing the one who you didn’t side with. But… where was the demon. Well, naturally, you have to side with Ukllmswwik, kill Slasul, then go back and kill Ukllmswwik to make the demon, Walrog, spawn. So obvious!
The second demon “fights for the third with the cultists she taught.” This is the only one that you are likely to encounter by accident, but of course, that too has a catch. Of the three, she is the only one that doesn’t spawn every game! That’s right, this unlock has an element of RNG too!
Each game, one random dungeon has a chance of generating with a floor full of elven cultists, standing around a bunch of glowing rocks. They are not hostile to you. However, if you kill one, and only one, of the cultists, the rest will sacrifice themselves over a period of 210 turns. After that, the second demon, Shasshhiy’Kaish, will spawn. How straightforward!
The third and final demon is arguably the worst. Not only does it have the worst hint of the three, it has an unintuitive method to encounter it, and is in a one-shot random encounter dungeon most players actively avoid for its sheer difficulty. Lovely.
So the only hint we are given is that Shasshhiy’Kaish works for this demon. Well, that really narrows it down. However, you might’ve noticed my earlier comment about a random encounter dungeon – that would of course be the Dark Crypt – the dungeon in which you can hear a girl, Melinda, screaming for help as she is to be sacrificed. You might be able to guess where this is going.
Allow Melinda to be sacrificed on the alter – which basically translates to “stand there and do nothing while the cultists run around and occasionally attack you for several turns.” This will summon Kryl’Feijan, the last of the three demons – and obviously fail melinda’s quest, but it’s such a pain in the butt anyway that you’re honestly doing yourself a favor.
Now, remember, here’s the real kicker. You have to kill ALL THREE of these guys on ONE CHARACTER in ONE GAME. So that means, among other things, you have to:
- have waterbreathing
- reach the far east
- have good enough rng that the elven cultist event spawns
- not fail a very difficult one-time only event dungeon
- Kill 5 different bosses (counting the 2 to make Walrog spawn)
BUT, once you do ALL THAT, your reward is… a slightly worse version of the unlocked-by-default Shaloren. Yay…
Whitehoof (Undead) [Embers of Rage DLC]
A very straightforward unlock, albeit one that requires beating a rather gimmicky boss fight. In the Embers of Rage campaign, simply head directly south from your starting point to the Krimbul Territory dungeon and defeat the boss, Nektosh the one horned. Nektosh has an odd gimmick in which he charges up for one turn before unleashing a powerful laser blast in a straight line, killing anything it touches, friend or foe. Other than that, he’s not too tough. Defeat him and the whitehoof is unlocked… in Embers of Rage only. Sadly, there is no way to play them in the main campaign without mods.
Kruk Yeti [Embers of Rage DLC]
Another fairly easy unlock, however this one is heavily rng dependent. on the bright side, the item you need drops from literally the first boss in the dlc campaign, meaning if you really want it that badly you can just restart over and over.
First begin the DLC campaign as an ork. You will be tasked with entering the Kruk Pride tunnel and killing Commander Fralor. On death, he has a small chance to drop an item called the yeti mind controller. You must take this item and use its active ability to mind control eight yetis.
The most obvious place to do this is the yeti caves (duh), which conveniently is accessible just after you leave town. A yeti must be below half health to be mind controlled, so be careful not to kill to many. There are a finite number of yetis in the cave, and this is the only place they spawn in enough numbers to get the unlock. If you kill too many before you can mind control them, you’ll have to try again. Thankfully, these ares are respectively the first and second dungeons of the dlc, so it’s not too bad even if you messed up. Just pray for good RNG…
Krog (Giant) [Forbidden Cults]
Krogs are basically Ogres who use nature instead of magic. This means that, uniquely, you must have ogres unlocked before you can unlock Krogs.
Once you have unlocked ogres (see above), you must then make an Antimagic character – Oozemancers work if you have them and are lazy. Then, once you reach level 17, go to Last Hope and you will receive a quest to rescue some captured Krogs. This unlocks a dungeon called the Necromancers’ ruins.
At the bottom of the ruins you will find four krogs suspended in time along with several necromancers. You have 40 turns to kill the necromancers, otherwise the krogs will leave suspension and die, failing the quest. If all the necromancers are dead and all 4 krogs survive, you succeed the quest and unlock Krogs.
Drem (Dwarf) [Forbidden Cults]
This one uniquely requires you to use the Occult Egress, that weird portal thing with the four symbols to activate it.
To get the code, you have to find it on the ground in Kroshkkur, the hidden sanctuary, which is the starting zone for any demented class – Writing One is ideal in this case. Be sure to make a note of the code when you’re there. Then, put the code in at the occult egress to open a portal to Dremshor tunnels. Defeat the boss of the tunnels to unlock Drem.
Arcane Amplification Drone
Earn the achievement “Tales of the Spellblaze,” which requires reading all 8 lore books of the same name. All 8 can be bought from the book store in Elvala, the Shalore town. They’re a bit pricey, costing over 100 gold each, so you’ll want to have a fair bit of gold saved up. However, if for whatever reason you can’t buy them all in the same run, you can later access the ones you have read from the library in the sher’tul fortress.
Automated Reflex System
Requires the achievement “Matrix Style!”, which is earned by completing the Abashed Expanse without being hit. The abashed expanse is the starting dungeon for Archmages, and can’t be accessed otherwise, but otherwise this is pretty straightforward. Just play smart and cautiously and it shouldn’t be too much trouble.
Pain Enhancement System
Earn the achievement “Size matters,” which requires doing 600 damage in a single hit. If you have unlocked the marauder class, you have already unlocked this. If you still need to unlock the marauder class, I suggest trying to get the achievement on a rogue or a shadowblade to kill two birds with one stone. Otherwise, this can easily be gotten by playing a class with high single-hit damage, such as a berserker.
Avatar of a Distant Sun (Sun Paladin Evolution)
As a sun paladin, you have a 1 in 5 chance to be contacted by the Distant Sun for every turn you are in combat while in outer space. The only location(s) which count as “in outer space” that the paladin is able to access is The Fearscape.
Ironically, if you have the insanely obtuse Doomelf unlock, above, this is absolutely trivial. Doomelves START in the fearscape, so just pick a doomelf paladin and the prodigy will basically unlock itself. If you don’t have the Doomelf there are two alternative ways to enter the fearscape, although they are considerably less convenient.
First, you can try fighting the Grand Corruptor. When his hp gets low, he has a small chance of casting the fearscape spell, sending you both to the fearscape. This method is risky, as the grand corruptor is a dangerous boss, may not cast the spell every time, and even then you may not be able to spend enough time in the fearscape to trigger the event – one of you may well be dead before then, or the corruptor runs out of vim to sustain the spell, etc.
The other, more reliable method, requires you to be quite far along in the main plot. Once you receive the quest to give the Orb of Many Ways to Tannen, refuse to do so every time he asks. Eventually, he will swap it for a fake. When you use the fake, it will teleport you to a special version of the fearscape, which counts for this unlock.
Fallen (Sun Paladin Evolution)
To unlock the fallen, you must do one of three things:
- As a Sun Paladin, sacrifice High Sun Paladin Aeryn in the main campaign.
- As a Sun Paladin, defeat Crimson Templar John in Embers of Rage, then choose to destroy his soul.
- Kill a Hate using enemy while having the Sun’s Vengeance buff active.
This sounds pretty difficult, doesn’t it? But can you see the loophole? The loophole that makes unlocking this absolutely trivial?
Kill a Hate using enemy while having the Sun’s Vengeance buff active.
Remember our old friend Ben Cruthdar? Remember how I said to keep him in mind for later?
1. Take the Sun’s Vengeance talent
2. Kill Ben Cruthdar
3. ???
4. Profit
High Thaumaturgist (Archmage Evolution)
As an archmage, kill a level 10+ boss using only beam talents. Pretty self explanatory. The following count as “beam talents”:
- Pulverizing Auger
- Lightning
- Manathrust, but ONLY at level 3+
- Flame, but ONLY at level 5+
Basically, this is all the tier one talents from all the starting talent trees, except ice shards. Oddly, despite being affected by the class evolution, ice shards will never count for unlocking it.
Technomancer (Archmage Evolution)
This one has rather specific unlock conditions, which are also rng dependent.
As an archmage, you must be at least level 10 and have at least 16 talent points in the physics and/or chemistry talent categories. Once the requirements are met, every tinker item you craft has a 10% chance to unlock the class. the chance rises significantly to 50% if the item you craft is a Mana Coil, but as the recipe for a Mana Coil is ALSO rng dependent, that might not be much help. Spam-crafting a bunch of cheap, low quality tinkers is your best bet.
This is most easily unlocked by playing as an archmage in embers of rage and purchasing the tinker skills from the shops in kruk pride. Of course, playing as a mage in Embers is itself an unlock.
While it can be unlocked in the main campaign as well, you can only acquire tinker skills randomly through a tinker escort, so the rng involved is not practical.
This talent tree is hidden until you side with the assassin lord during the “Trapped” quest at least once.
This quest is part of a random event on the world map. Once you reach level 18, you may randomly hear a cry for help and find a trapdoor. Enter, and once you reach the end of the dungeon, simply choose to side with the assassin lord to unlock this. Once you’ve done it once, you don’t need to do it again and can safely help the merchant instead if you want.
Undead Drake talent tree (Wyrmic)
Simply kill Ureslak the Eternal, boss of the Ureslak’s Host dungeon in the Embers of Rage campaign. Very straightforward, albeit a late game area in the dlc.
Note that unlike the rest of the Wyrmic’s talent trees this one is arcane rather than natural, meaning that taking any points in it will lock you out of Zigur. This is probably why it requires a talent point to unlock.
Scourge Drake talent tree (Wyrmic)
This is one of “The Three,” or “The Four” if you have the forbidden cults DLC… always four in this case, because this is the exclusive one. Each game, one dungeon of the following is selected to spawn: Sludgenest, Dogroth Caldera, Old Conclave Vault, or, with forbidden cults, Scourged Pits. Each has an unlock tied to it, meaning you’ll have to make at least 4 different characters to get them all.
The scourged pits are guaranteed to be chosen if you are playing as a Drem and have not unlocked the Scourge Drake tree yet. Otherwise it’s random. If it was chosen, the next time you enter the world map at level 20 or above you will “Smell a blighted perfume” and the entrance will spawn in the mountains to the northeast.
Be warned that this dungeon is very annoying. Huge quantities of mobs spawn in every room. In addition, at any given moment one of the tentacle trees that make up, you know, the entire freaking map may suddenly come alive and use the constrict talent on you, instantly pulling you to it and forcing you to stay there for a few turns. This is not only annoying, it also makes resting very difficult since you’ll be interrupted by tentacle trees grabbing you constantly. The boss is also fairly difficult, but fortunately the floor the boss is on doesn’t seem to spawn any hostile tentacle trees. Kill the boss, Kroltar the Scourge, and the tree is unlocked.
Note that unlike the rest of the Wyrmic’s talent trees this one is arcane rather than natural, meaning that taking any points in it will lock you out of Zigur. This is probably why it requires a talent point to unlock.
Drolem Golem (Alchemist)
Not merely cosmetic, this actually gives the alchemist’s golem an extra ability – a poison breath.
It can be unlocked by defeating Tannen and his Drolem as an alchemist.
Glass Golem (Alchemist)
Not merely cosmetic, this actually gives the alchemist’s golem an extra ability – a glass smash which makes targets bleed.
It can be unlocked by reading the “Forbidden Tome: The Illusory Castle” and completing the dungeon inside it. The dungeon itself is confusing, but not too hard. The golem itself on the other hand is a very annoying boss. In its room, there is a “throne” which, if the golem is allowed to touch it, instantly heals it to full health. It will attempt to do this any time its hp drops low, and can do it an infinite number of times. This is especially problematic for the alchemist, whose single target dps is terrible and is just a terrible weak class in general. And lest you think you can simply lure the golem away from the throne, it’ll just magically teleport back to it and heal to full anyway. The trick is to position yourself so that one of the walls surrounding the throne is in between it and the golem. If this happens the next time it tries to run for the throne it will hit a wall and stun itself. Careful position of yourself and your own golem may be required to pull this off.
Misc./Minor unlocks
- Kill Bill the Stone Troll to unlock the Transmog Chest
- Complete the Arena quest in Derth to unlock the Arena game mode
- Solve the Puzzle and open the door in the ruined dungeon to unlock the infinite dungeon
- Read the sign at the entrance to Zigur to permanently gain the ability for antimagic characters to betray magic-using escorts for different bonuses
- Save Melinda in the Dark Crypt to unlock red hair cosmetic option
- Defeat the Mouth the Deep Bellow as a Female Dwarf to unlock female dwarf beard cosmetic option
- Complete the quest “Melinda, lucky girl” to unlock the Bikini/Mankini cosmetic option
- (JK, it’s bugged and you have it by default)
- Get a killing blow with the Demon Horns talent (Demonologist class) to unlock Demon Horns cosmetic option
- Equip 5 demon seeds at once on a Demonologist to unlock red skin cosmetic option
- Reach level 10 as an ork tinker to unlock ork headgear cosmetic option (goggles, etc.)
- Kill a gunsnake to unlock it as a custom character tile (no notification)
- Kill a sawtree to unlock it as a custom character tile (no notification)