in certain maps there are spots that even by jumping cannot be reached. i will explain how to unlock the skill to be able to reach these spots where you can also find special crates.
How to obtain the bow
At the fifth special stage, the boss fight that awaits you will be that of Batsu, the same boss encountered in the prologue. Beating him will unlock new abilities for Soh, as always in exchange for Musubi.
If you go to any camp and enter the tent, you will find among the various masks the mask of Soh.
If you click on it, a wheel with skills will appear. Before you can unlock the butterfly skill you must first obtain the bow, also from that wheel.

How to use the Bow
Going for example to the lake level, the first point where you can use this skill, you get on the same boat you see in the picture.
To lock on to a target press ctrl / R3
and hold down the mouse wheel or L2 / LT until the effect is loaded to maximum, then release.
and there you are
To lock on to a target press ctrl / R3