Spectre Divide: Tips and Tricks

Just sharing some general information/tips and tricks that might help new players.

I’ve come across people who didn’t even know a lot of these even in emerald+ ranked games.


Tips and Tricks

During the buy period you can open the map (Default M) and teleport to a starting position instantly by left and right-clicking to move both of your spectres.

If you’re not familiar with how the buying system works, each weapon purchase has a set of 2 guns. One for each of your spectres. You can’t change this, but you can pick up other guns and keep them until you purchase something else or die.

You can press Y (By default) to inspect your weapon/camo!

**WHILE** planting and defusing, you can switch to your spectre and you will continue to plant/defuse. Very helpful in clutch situations, IE. you can cover your own spectre defusing the bomb.

Position your spectre in/near high-traffic areas to gather intel on enemy movements. This can help your team plan their strategy and avoid ambushes. Just make sure to keep them in cover and away from easy angles if possible.

Make sure to move your spectre around, please don’t keep it in spawn the entire game. Also if the enemy team is rushing a, and you and your spectre are at b. Obviously don’t keep your spectre at b. While you’re rotating, toss your spectre in/near places so if you die you don’t have to run across the entire map.

If you die while your spectre is moving, its position will be reset to the starting point.

You can right-click immediately after throwing your puck to swap to the spectre as soon as it finishes moving.

If you are throwing an ability, if you look at your minimap it can help you find the position while you are adjusting the height at which you are throwing something.

If you notice your enemies crouching a lot while they shoot, try aiming chest/waist level so readjusting when they crouch isn’t as big of a deal and you’re more likely to HS them.

There are issues with frame drops, make sure your video card drivers are up to date. But also close external applications (Browsers, bluestacks, discord). They’ve caused issues for me, and other people in the past. If that doesn’t fix it, try changing video settings, run it at a lower resolution.

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